Anyone know of any good agencies out there with continued night work around the Bellshill area for Class 1?
I’ve been sat in the house since New Year, The agency I am with has went dead and says it’s the same everywhere. Last few years I’ve been kept going with at least a couple of shifts a week but this is ridiculous, even with the supposed ‘driver shortage’.
Every time I look on the job centre website, it has about 3 pages worth of jobs posted be NAS. Not sure if its genuine work or just typical agency phantom job ads.
What was the agency you were with? If you don’t mind supermarket work, ADR network supply the CoOp DC at Newhouse with drivers. Not sure what their night work might entail hours wise but it can’t hurt to ask.
A wee birdy told me Sure Rec have landed a Gist contract in the bellshill area, and I’m planning on leaving my fulltime job in a little while when it kicks off properly tramping for between £800-1200net per week is to good to miss
Every time I look on the job centre website, it has about 3 pages worth of jobs posted be NAS. Not sure if its genuine work or just typical agency phantom job ads.
Checked them out, they have Boots but next to nothing on nightshift
What was the agency you were with? If you don’t mind supermarket work, ADR network supply the CoOp DC at Newhouse with drivers. Not sure what their night work might entail hours wise but it can’t hurt to ask.
I was with YBL in ■■■■■■■■■■■ but when Walkers quit Bellshill, YBL went under so I joined Expert Group in Coatbridge.
They’re just getting scraps off the table and now there’s nothing.
A wee birdy told me Sure Rec have landed a Gist contract in the bellshill area, and I’m planning on leaving my fulltime job in a little while when it kicks off properly tramping for between £800-1200net per week is to good to miss
I wouldn’t leave any full time job to start with an agency unless I had no mortgage or family to support.
I doubt very much you will be able to make £800-£1200 net per week.
If you have a job ,keep it.I would not leave for an agency,they promise the earth but cant deliver very much and neither will you.The next time you have a holiday sign up with a few agencies and see what work they get you.
A wee birdy told me Sure Rec have landed a Gist contract in the bellshill area, and I’m planning on leaving my fulltime job in a little while when it kicks off properly tramping for between £800-1200net per week is to good to miss
I phoned Sure Rec today, got tramping work but nothing else.
A wee birdy told me Sure Rec have landed a Gist contract in the bellshill area, and I’m planning on leaving my fulltime job in a little while when it kicks off properly tramping for between £800-1200net per week is to good to miss
Do they do Gist in ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Have you started doing the tramping yet?
A wee birdy told me Sure Rec have landed a Gist contract in the bellshill area, and I’m planning on leaving my fulltime job in a little while when it kicks off properly tramping for between £800-1200net per week is to good to miss
I wouldn’t leave any full time job to start with an agency unless I had no mortgage or family to support.
I doubt very much you will be able to make £800-£1200 net per week.
Meaning old G&S now Gist outta Bellshill make good money when the strawberries are on?
Have they still got the strawberry contracts, someone told me last year they didn’t any more.
Can make good money, but if its the strawberries really depends on the crop, i did it for about 3-4 summers first few years very busy doing them from about now until November, can max out your hours but more like £800 tops, the rates weren’t great. But the third summer i did it the crops were crap and people lucky to get 8hr shifts and season finished pretty early prob end of August.
Tramping is ok with them but pushed on at times, and when i did it could be sitting parked up somewhere for a long time not getting paid for it waiting for a return load. I spat the dummy out the pram when i sat in London for 22hrs waiting on a load was told would be paid for all my time minus the 9hrs daily rest, when i got back up was paid for the 9 hrs back from London that was it, so didnt do anymore. Heard of others spending the weekend in the truck in Kent waiting for a return load. When that kinda thing happens reduces your weekly income drastically plus the fact it is seasonal and could spend like some others i know only getting a few shifts a week if your lucky between Jan and April.
Saying all that i did like working for them, old fashioned kinda left to it