Agency Vs permanent dilemma

Full time job will always trump agency.I would see about doing the odd job on the days off.

im guessing 8 hour shifts doing deliveries. factor in commuter costs, petrol, wear and tear etc and see where you are. i would rather do 4 x 12 hour shifts than 6 x 8 hour shifts even if it is a little less money

Ask the agency to put it in writing and guarantee you 8 hours pay per day should you not be required. If they can do that then stay with them, if not…run!

Keep in with the agency and politely refuse and take the perm job. Benefits and all that.

Then tell the agency the days you are free to drive for them and get a bit etc. when you want it. Best of both worlds then, if the perm job doesn’t work out you can fall back on the agency.

Ask the agency to put it in writing and guarantee you 8 hours pay per day should you not be required. If they can do that then stay with them, if not…run!

This ^. You’re about to get a sore botty otherwise.

Not just a question of money though. Where are you with the agency when times are lean? Do they look after you? OK the perm job may not keep you on but there is more chance they will look after you than any agency? There is also the chance you will get your own motor to drive OK you will probably share with the driver who has it the other 4 days but at least you have the same vehicle

Not just a question of money though. Where are you with the agency when times are lean? Do they look after you? OK the perm job may not keep you on but there is more chance they will look after you than any agency? There is also the chance you will get your own motor to drive OK you will probably share with the driver who has it the other 4 days but at least you have the same vehicle

well the agency took me on when I had no experience so in that respect they have been good to me and they’re always ringing me every other week to work as I had been working Mon-Fri class 2. I’m hoping that the permanent job will have more opportunities to further myself and move up in it.

no what to do :question: :question: :question:


[zb] the agency.

Bye Bye agency.

Full time job will always trump agency.I would see about doing the odd job on the days off.

What he said.

I admire your loyalty but reading through your posts, I think you’ve decided anyway on financial grounds.

Leave the agency on good terms (as you should with any job really) then if the new job don’t work out you can always go back to them.

Genuinely pleased to see this thread.

Ironically enough Jamie is someone I registered months ago when I was based in another office and initially arranged to work out of the bakery.

Sent him my thoughts privately for what I hope are obvious reasons. Either way; best of luck fella.

Full time job will always trump agency.I would see about doing the odd job on the days off.

Beware there are some “full time jobs” these days that will turn out to be “seasonal” which when taken into account, works out a lot lower pay than agency for the trouble. :wink:

A full time job should, among other things, give you the same guaranteed hours throughout November, January, & February each year. I’d suggest that it is NOT a proper full time job until you’ve worked across all three of those months. Don’t be surprised if the “full time” suddenly involves a layoff once halloween has been and gone… Or, you’ll have “failed the probationary period” on some trumped-up charge. You have no rights until you’ve been somewhere two years plus I believe…

I’d take the bakery rolling 13 weeker if that’s what it is. :grimacing:

Take the full time job, anything the agency tells you is BS, they just want you on their books, agencies should be ilegal, they exploit good hard workers and destroy the jobs market.

just sat down and worked out the mileage id be doing yearly with each job and the agency I’d be worse off by £205 fuel cost and doing an extra 1,700 miles a year extra.

Thats assuming you’re getting employed full time through the agency which I doubt will end up being the case.

Hmmm. I smell a rat. Interesting that the OP is very open about which agency, and then low and behold one of their consultants comes along. Any mods doing IP checks?

Hmmm. I smell a rat. Interesting that the OP is very open about which agency, and then low and behold one of their consultants comes along. Any mods doing IP checks?

One of their consultants comes along?

I’ve been posting here a little while and I’ve been involved in several threads, all of which are my personal opinion. You’ll also find the OP is working fortnightly for my previous branch as opposed to currently. You’re more than welcome to check IPs because funnily enough, they won’t correlate, but thanks for doubting. :laughing:

Ironically enough when a consultant working for an agency in the South East is involved in a forum for drivers, there’s likely to be the chance of crossing paths somewhere down the line. It wouldn’t surprise me if Winseer has common connections be it clients or other drivers with myself given his location.

I won’t divulge my advice to Jamie, nor any details relating to the agency position that he’s been referring to. It’s actually rather interesting seeing some responses when I was responsible for the client in question ~4-5 months ago.

Pat Hasler:
Take the full time job, anything the agency tells you is BS, they just want you on their books, agencies should be ilegal, they exploit good hard workers and destroy the jobs market.


Permanent every time. Do not believe the agency about guaranteeing you x amount of hours, shifts etc etc. Look anywhere on this forum and you should get a good idea about how agencies treat drivers. Permanent job is always best way to go…old saying ‘when you’re in a job it’s easier to get a job’ and if the permanent job isn’t too your liking for whatever reason you can always go back to agency.

Hmmm. I smell a rat. Interesting that the OP is very open about which agency, and then low and behold one of their consultants comes along. Any mods doing IP checks?

How cynical■■? I feel sorry for you must’ve never met anyone genuine before to become like this.