Agency/Temp Drivers

I see many references to where things have gone wrong and some numpty comments agency drivers.

I have been doing temp cover for 14 years now and have done agency work in the past and now work for my own company still doing temp work it suits me.

Points to note
As a temp driver I drive more different types of vehicles than most of you ever will.
I pride myself in that I can handle any new vehicles without the need to be trained (I,ve passed my test). I come from the old school give me the keys and I will find out how it works. If I have a problem I ask.
I will haul more different types of loads than most and deal with each one as I see fit.
I have to deliver to many different delivery points and just deal with it.
Most of you will drive the same truck on the same run doing the same thing day in day out, which reminds me of the days when i was at school when most people went to work on the line in the car factories and I vowed I would never do that.
I have been driving HGV,s for nearly 40 years now and have had to drive trucks even in my short time that most of you would never touch.
Whilst I know there are some temp drivers who i never let near a truck there are a good few full timers in the same boat.
So next time a driver ■■■■■ things up don’t ref the agency/temp drivers a lot of it is because things are not explained to them properly, just remember for every new client I work for its like starting a new job again and I do this several times a year so I have a vast knowledge of different jobs not just one.

i work for an agency as a consultant and am a driver too.

i think they have cast out the line and got a big bite am afraid, its banter/fun/ribbing. i bite occasionaly too dont worry it could be worse you could be on agency and at stobrats. :open_mouth:

Congratulations… :unamused: :unamused:


Point taken not too upset but just pointing things out. Just thought something needed saying.

Understand where your coming from done some work for them in the past. Not impressed.

I see many references to where things have gone wrong and some numpty comments agency drivers.

I have been doing temp cover for 14 years now and have done agency work in the past and now work for my own company still doing temp work it suits me.

Points to note
As a temp driver I drive more different types of vehicles than most of you ever will.
I pride myself in that I can handle any new vehicles without the need to be trained (I,ve passed my test). I come from the old school give me the keys and I will find out how it works. If I have a problem I ask.
I will haul more different types of loads than most and deal with each one as I see fit.
I have to deliver to many different delivery points and just deal with it.
Most of you will drive the same truck on the same run doing the same thing day in day out, which reminds me of the days when i was at school when most people went to work on the line in the car factories and I vowed I would never do that.
I have been driving HGV,s for nearly 40 years now and have had to drive trucks even in my short time that most of you would never touch.
Whilst I know there are some temp drivers who i never let near a truck there are a good few full timers in the same boat.
So next time a driver ■■■■■ things up don’t ref the agency/temp drivers a lot of it is because things are not explained to them properly, just remember for every new client I work for its like starting a new job again and I do this several times a year so I have a vast knowledge of different jobs not just one.

With an attitude like that it’s little wonder you were on the agency for so long.

Don’t let it bother you, the one trick pony company drivers are just jealous when we agency driving gods go in and show em how the jobs meant to be done :laughing:

that should wind a few up :wink:

give it an hour and conor and contraflow will be at it :sunglasses:

just so you know CF is the resident ■■■■ taker and conor is the ultimate agency driver :wink:

give it an hour and conor and contraflow will be at it :sunglasses:

just so you know CF is the resident ■■■■ taker and conor is the ultimate agency driver :wink:

gotta be good for a couple of pages :grimacing:

its often the best parts of most threads

conor lives just up the road from me.


I was on the agency for so long because it suited my needs I can get a permanent job anytime been offered plenty but why bother when I can earn more money and have a choice of jobs to do not just the same old boring thing. Plus the benefits of being my own boss.



…just remember for every new client I work for its like starting a new job again and I do this several times a year so I have a vast knowledge of different jobs not just one.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of non-agency drivers who are in the same boat as you. Search ‘Muckaway’ on here and you will find one.


I was on the agency for so long because it suited my needs I can get a permanent job anytime been offered plenty but why bother when I can earn more money and have a choice of jobs to do not just the same old boring thing. Plus the benefits of being my own boss.

own boss :laughing:

Everyone has their own needs priorities and preferences, in the end we’re all poor, put upon, long suffering bloody drivers, some good, some bad and some downright ugly :laughing:

Agency suits me cos I can dip in and out for other commitments as and when it suits, and if a certain traffic clerk ■■■■■■ me off I can either take a week or so off or go elsewhere :grimacing:

Was you holding your ■■■■■ in your hand when you wrote that??.. Well done you are my hero of the day!

Im holding my ■■■■■ now, in fact I sat on it for two minutes till it went numb and now it feels like im holding somebody elses.

Anyway nice to see the agency folk have their own thread at last, it was getting a bit annoying having them pop up on everyone elses and leave them in a mess, not to mention moving the converstaions about and knicking me biscuits when I have a night off…

Gold! :laughing:

I see many references to where things have gone wrong and some numpty comments agency drivers.

Don’t take it too seriously mate it’s just banter and said very much tongue in cheek, in fact I’m one of the worst on here for slating agency drivers and I am one :smiley: