Agency placement lasting 12 weeks

Hi all, I’m after a bit of information. I’ve tried googling but can’t seem to get an answer.
I’m aware of the rules concerning agency drivers on placement for 12 weeks being entitled to the same rights and wage as permanent staff, as is my agency. Before Christmas I was on a placement for 8 weeks, but then the factory shut down for two weeks for Christmas. My agency found me other work for this period. When the factory reopened they rang the agency and asked for me specifically.
My question is this, does the 12 weeks placement reset because I’ve worked for someone else even though no one else was taking my place?

Thanks in advance.

I believe the aggregate resets after an absence of 8 weeks. Two weeks off at Christmas, and then back in - would resume your push towards 13 weeks count from where you left off.

I think it’s 6 weeks before you lose the parity pay and conditions. 13 weeks to earn it.

I’d be really surprised if your agency can’t answer this one for you.

2 seconds on Google and clicking on the first link would have gotten you that answer a lot quicker and more accurately then asking it here… … r-12-weeks

12 weeks to earn it, 6 to lose it, Christmas break doesn’t count.

IF you agency agree pay same what pay company -it is good.but if not agree and you will ask about same righw-agency can sent you ot anyone forevers to another site.and this is full legally.

a break of 6 weeks without works resets it.
once you have accrued the 12 weeks you cant lose it.

hope this helps.

IF you agency agree pay same what pay company -it is good.but if not agree and you will ask about same righw-agency can sent you ot anyone forevers to another site.and this is full legally.

Not good if you go from £14 on agency down to £7!

Thanks to everyone who replied. I know I should speak to the agency regarding this, but I wanted to be armed with the correct information before I did.
In my googling I did find information regarding this, but I also found this statement:

"When your qualifying period starts again at zero

This happens if:
##you move to a new assignment with a new hirer
##there is a break of more than 6 weeks between jobs with the same hirer
##you remain with the same hirer but you’re doing a ‘substantively different’ role" … r-12-weeks

As I said, my agency found me other work during the Christmas shutdown, would this count as “moving to a new assignment”?

I have a feeling that I’ll be relying on the goodwill of the company hiring me, but if anyone has experience of this, I’d appreciate their input.

Thanks again for your replies, and your patience with a newbie.


it wont make any difference as long as you have not been missing for more than 6 weeks the awr clock keeps on ticking along.

and for all those people who keep sprouting the if they are on less youre wages go down i have ‘never’ seen this happen and doubt it would as people would leave.

If you “In” it restes after 6 Weeks off,but i dont know whats on if you away 2 Weeks in the 12 Week Periode.