Hi i have been working for an agency for three months everything’s been fine so far constant work and paid on time etc until three weeks ago there was a dispute about a day I worked as my clock in card was lost (later found) but I still haven’t got paid for the day in question every week they say it will be defo in on pay day but its not, I keep ringing the agency they keep saying they’ll get back to me but never do im not sure what to do any suggestions thanks in advance
Hi i have been working for an agency for three months everything’s been fine so far constant work and paid on time etc until three weeks ago there was a dispute about a day I worked as my clock in card was lost (later found) but I still haven’t got paid for the day in question every week they say it will be defo in on pay day but its not, I keep ringing the agency they keep saying they’ll get back to me but never do im not sure what to do any suggestions thanks in advance
go down and see them .
if its still no good threaten them with small claims court .
Get your money’s all paid up ie holiday pay etc then take a job on and just don’t turn up mind get your phone No changed that day
Hi i have been working for an agency for three months everything’s been fine so far constant work and paid on time etc until three weeks ago there was a dispute about a day I worked as my clock in card was lost (later found) but I still haven’t got paid for the day in question every week they say it will be defo in on pay day but its not, I keep ringing the agency they keep saying they’ll get back to me but never do im not sure what to do any suggestions thanks in advance
First off… stop being agency.
Seriously though send a letter threatening using money claim online (google it) to recover owed sums.
Edit: This is basically an online version of the small claims track, which in reality is just a mediator round a table. Chances are the agency will fold as mediators are known to favour the claimant if they are an individual in these cases especially if you have any proof, i.e. tachos to back up your claim.
I realise if this agency is the only one putting food on the table it may be tricky but honestly look for a proper job, agencies days are numbered.
I no i need to get off agency it’s just I only passed class 2 in june and my class one training starts in ten days I’ve had a good run I wanted to do a many class 2 jobs so I could get the feel of what I liked and don’t like I plan to do the same on class one at least for 6 months
Agreed regards getting off agency work. They are slowly bringing the haulage industry to their knees with their extortionate rates. Most of my experience with agency drivers is positive and the firm I work for have been known to buy agency drivers off the agencies to recruit. I just don’t understand why folk don’t just approach firms and work for them directly.
Don’t get me wrong there will always be agencies but the rates and demand will reduce due to economies of scale.
Agreed regards getting off agency work. They are slowly bringing the haulage industry to their knees with their extortionate rates. Most of my experience with agency drivers is positive and the firm I work for have been known to buy agency drivers off the agencies to recruit. I just don’t understand why folk don’t just approach firms and work for them directly.
Because firms won’t even entertain the idea. They get them in on agency because its easier to sort through the crap. Its like a “try before you hire” thing.
I guess so mate.
They are slowly bringing the haulage industry to their knees with their extortionate rates.
If companies can afford to pay the agency rates why can’t they afford to pay their drivers at least the same amount as the agency pay theirs?
I’d take a pay cut if I worked at most of the places I’ve been to on agency and not just 50p an hour either.
If companies can afford to pay the agency rates why can’t they afford to pay their drivers at least the same amount as the agency pay theirs?
You know full well why they don’t.
Its because it costs more to have some on the books, ie holiday/sick pay/NI etc
You’re an intelligent person, you should stop asking silly questions
If companies can afford to pay the agency rates why can’t they afford to pay their drivers at least the same amount as the agency pay theirs?
You know full well why they don’t.
Its because it costs more to have some on the books, ie holiday/sick pay/NI etc
You’re an intelligent person, you should stop asking silly questions
He isn’t being silly he’s being a show off!!!
You know full well why they don’t.Its because it costs more to have some on the books, ie holiday/sick pay/NI etc
You’re an intelligent person, you should stop asking silly questions
Try engaging your brain yourself.
If the agency are paying their drivers on PAYE £10 an hour and the agency are charging their drivers out at £15 an hour, a haulier can pay their own drivers £10 an hour as well and be £2.30/hr better off than paying the agency. Yet they don’t. And then they wonder why they’re continuing to pay out £15 an hour.
If companies can afford to pay the agency rates why can’t they afford to pay their drivers at least the same amount as the agency pay theirs?
You know full well why they don’t.
Its because it costs more to have some on the books, ie holiday/sick pay/NI etc
You’re an intelligent person, you should stop asking silly questions
Surely not as much as what the agency charge for a weeks work, which is then payed out on PAYE with full holiday pay entitlement to the driver.
The example you use is absolutely spot on Conor.
What you are forgetting is that £2.30 is an expenditure in flexibility.
The company/TM moaning about paying £15 an hour to the agency is the biggest con in the game. That flexibility is worth a whole lot more than that.
I’d take a pay cut if I worked at most of the places I’ve been to on agency and not just 50p an hour either.
In some cases I would be about £110 a week worse off. I dont really know how much an agency charges per hour but if they can pay a driver £12 an hour im guessing its a lot.
Tell them that the vehicle you drove for that yard on that day is still on your card (which it should be) and this therefore proves that they owe you money, and the current situation looks like a dishonest attempt to get out of paying it.
A small claims court shouldn’t have any problems with finding in your favour - IF you have the suggested evidence here.
It would be even more serious for the “agency” in question if they’ve already billed the customer yard - and make up some old ■■■■■■■■ for not having paid you yet. This then becomes a matter of actual “theft of wages” rather than some bullyshyte “clerical error we’re looking into”.
Notice that when you get OVERpaid by any significant amount - that’ll be noticed and rung up about before your payslip hits your doormat…
Cheers for the replies Shall I do a printout for the day? There not disputing I was there any more I have photo of clocking card plus time sheet for week/day signed by supervisor I’ve always thought it cost a lot to go thru small claims?
Yes you should do a print out
I’ve always thought it cost a lot to go thru small claims?
No because the cost you pay you add onto what they owe you …
Tell them that the vehicle you drove for that yard on that day is still on your card (which it should be) and this therefore proves that they owe you money, and the current situation looks like a dishonest attempt to get out of paying it.A small claims court shouldn’t have any problems with finding in your favour - IF you have the suggested evidence here.
It would be even more serious for the “agency” in question if they’ve already billed the customer yard - and make up some old ■■■■■■■■ for not having paid you yet. This then becomes a matter of actual “theft of wages” rather than some bullyshyte “clerical error we’re looking into”.Notice that when you get OVERpaid by any significant amount - that’ll be noticed and rung up about before your payslip hits your doormat…