Agency Holiday Pay


It definately wouldn’t work in my favour- I don’t work much!
Besides that I’m pretty sure it’s not even legal what they’ve said they want to do. :open_mouth:

It isn’t legal. Holiday accrued is pro rata so has to take actual working hours into account, not the average.

On a separate note, after 12 weeks assignment with a company you are entitled to the same holiday as their regular workers are so if they get more than the statutory holidays, you must get the same.

You are also entitled to the same pay after 12 weeks as if you were directly employed by the company they send you to.

Not always it depends on the contract you have with the agency.


Am with you on this one I work casual with the same agency also they want £2 a working day for uniform this agency is run by drivers for drivers my arse they talk of honesty being different we know how drivers feel and go through same old [zb] of agency spiel

Hmmm don’t get me started on deductions! They recently started taking out £2 a day worked for something or other, but also started paying expenses, even though I don’t think I’m entitled to anything other than whan I already get through my tax code. The only reason I haven’t bothered doing anything about the spurious deductions/expenses is that I don’t do much and there isn’t much difference in net pay either way. They also wanted to start charging for uniform, a uniform that they want me to wear to advertise their business, but I knocked that on the head. :imp:

ADR tried offering us a uniform at a cut price (£50 instead of £80) but it didn’t last long. Too many of us refused to advertise THEIR company at our expense and even offered to wear their jumpers if they paid US to advertise their company instead of our own clothing.