Agency drivers working at Tesco run DC's

1.Any of you agency drivers working out of a Tesco run DC :question: (Not a Stobarts controlled one)

2.Have you been told by your agency that you HAD to sign an AWR reg10 Swedish Derogation agreement before you’d be allowed to cover shifts :question:

  1. Anybody covering regular shifts there@ Tesco that haven’t signed an AWR Reg10 agreement :question:

  2. Have any of you under an AWR reg10 agreement EVER had to claim the basic “pay between assignments” contained within AWR Reg10 as agency/hirer have been unable to find you suitable assignments :question:

I am working with Unite the Union on this and any info on above would be appreciated. :wink:

Thought Tesco was mainly USDAW… :question:

Stay away from tesco, it’s ■■■■! Go do your work for other better outfits out there-have a nice day:):slight_smile:

Stay away from tesco, it’s [zb]! Go do your work for other better outfits out there-have a nice day:):slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: Pimpdaddy, you gotta let the Tesco thing go mate, it’s nowhere as bad as you make out, I like it working for Tesco, I compare it to my last job and count my lucky stars I’ve finally made it out of the agency game and got a decent job on the books

selby newcomer:
:lol: :laughing: Pimpdaddy, you gotta let the Tesco thing go mate, it’s nowhere as bad as you make out, I like it working for Tesco, I compare it to my last job and count my lucky stars I’ve finally made it out of the agency game and got a decent job on the books

Good for you drive but the mental scars still haunt me, it was agy game for me just like your last gig, coupled with the worst client to ever work for it was hell on earth… :imp: :smiling_imp: :imp:


selby newcomer:
:lol: :laughing: Pimpdaddy, you gotta let the Tesco thing go mate, it’s nowhere as bad as you make out, I like it working for Tesco, I compare it to my last job and count my lucky stars I’ve finally made it out of the agency game and got a decent job on the books

Good for you drive but the mental scars still haunt me, it was agy game for me just like your last gig, coupled with the worst client to ever work for it was hell on earth…

Trying hard to keep my feelings in here, can’t say what I want to say 'cause they are watching :wink:

Go on I’m a big boy/girl… Makes my blood boil this tesco bs…! :smiling_imp:

Go on I’m a big boy/girl…

I’ll pm you :wink:



selby newcomer:
:lol: :laughing: Pimpdaddy, you gotta let the Tesco thing go mate, it’s nowhere as bad as you make out, I like it working for Tesco, I compare it to my last job and count my lucky stars I’ve finally made it out of the agency game and got a decent job on the books

Good for you drive but the mental scars still haunt me, it was agy game for me just like your last gig, coupled with the worst client to ever work for it was hell on earth…

Trying hard to keep my feelings in here, can’t say what I want to say 'cause they are watching :wink:

Take it you ain’t enjoying it so far then??

selby newcomer:



selby newcomer:
:lol: :laughing: Pimpdaddy, you gotta let the Tesco thing go mate, it’s nowhere as bad as you make out, I like it working for Tesco, I compare it to my last job and count my lucky stars I’ve finally made it out of the agency game and got a decent job on the books

Good for you drive but the mental scars still haunt me, it was agy game for me just like your last gig, coupled with the worst client to ever work for it was hell on earth…

Trying hard to keep my feelings in here, can’t say what I want to say 'cause they are watching :wink:

Take it you ain’t enjoying it so far then??

Like I said, keeping stum… :wink:
Check you’re pm’s :wink:

Like I said, keeping stum… :wink:
Check you’re pm’s :wink:

Sorry mate, didnt see the PM, have just replied

Just now I was held up buy some tesco bell end who thinks its wise to do 19 in a 40… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Just now I was held up buy some tesco bell end who thinks its wise to do 19 in a 40… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

There’s dragging the job out and there’s dragging the job out :laughing: :laughing:
I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Just now I was held up buy some tesco bell end who thinks its wise to do 19 in a 40… :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:[/quote

Can’t see why people bother doin speeds like that, it’s only gonna ■■■■ people off, not to mention dangerous.

I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Do you get roped in on debrief by some stupid clerk who asks whey you stopped here here & here…?:):slight_smile:


I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Do you get roped in on debrief by some stupid clerk who asks whey you stopped here here & here…?:):slight_smile:

Not if you play the game right :wink:


I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Do you get roped in on debrief by some stupid clerk who asks whey you stopped here here & here…?:):slight_smile:

No because nights aren’t as ■■■■ like that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I personally find I can’t go past 2 laybys without the need to stop :wink:

Do you get roped in on debrief by some stupid clerk who asks whey you stopped here here & here…?:):slight_smile:

No because nights aren’t as ■■■■ like that :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yeh I noticed that. I always seem to run into “procedure problems” on day shifts, but no probs at night at weekends. Had some ■■■ in a trance pull across the front of me just as I’m entering a delivery gate last week, leaving me high and dry blocking the road outside. Methinks I’ll just stick to nights when everyone else is keeping out of my way by being in bed. :exclamation:

If doing a 15 hour, insist upon TWO full clear-down breaks, rather than just the one that they’d like you to have, despite it giving you a 6hr WTD infringement every time. :wink:

selby newcomer:
Not if you play the game right :wink:

Please share…


selby newcomer:
Not if you play the game right :wink:

Please share…
