After passing cat c

I start my cat c training next week and when i pass will want to go straight on to c+e training. the question is do i have to send my licence off to the dvla for upgrading before i can continue with the c+e training stage

Yes, you cannot drive a CE vehicle without the provisional entitlement on your licence.

as above but it should only take a week. i passed last monday and got my licence back the following saturday. make sure when you pass you tell the examiner you want C+E provisional entitlement put on your licence when he sends it off for you.

Thanks for the replies.
Assuming i pass are you saying its better to let the examiner send my licence off to dvla for upgrading and the c+e provision added rather than doing it myself

Do you need to do THE INITIAL DRIVER CPC or do you have a C1 on your licence already which means you have aquired (grandfather) rights :question:
If you do need to do the above then you will need your licence for the Mod 4 test.

The examiner can deal with your licence after passing C and if that is your choice then you hand it to the examiner at the end of the C test.

Most schools will not book your CE course until they know that you have a licence with CE provisional on it - just in case of a DVLA delay which can be a few weeks…

thanks for clearing that up Rog. Ive aquired grandfather rights so i will avoid the cpc for the time being

thanks for clearing that up Rog. Ive aquired grandfather rights so i will avoid the cpc for the time being

You must be an ‘OLD’ (over age 30!!) one with a C1 on your licence from a pre 1997 car pass :blush: :wink: :laughing: - TAXI!!!

No initial then, but you will need 35 hours of THE PERIODIC (ongoing) DRIVER CPC by 09/09/2014

not that old only 48.
im carpenter needing a change of direction.

not that old only 48.
im carpenter needing a change of direction.

So you think doing the LGV WOOD be a good idea to BRANCH out :blush: - TAXI!! :laughing:

with my past i should make a good trunk driver dont you think