After first 7hrs cpc

hello there,i have done seven hrs cpc,i tried to log on to check my hrs have bin uploaded and cant get logged on,lad at work said sumut about getting sent a password? i should have asked on the day but was ready to get out of there,cheers

you have to go to the website and register your details then they send a password through the post,then you log on and change the password to something more easily remembered. … ution=e1s1

click register (drivers only)

big boots:;ODESESSIONID=N0C2STBKpZvFpmDfGM1nBJG9HN9pJV6KJnnHbvBDPSqS8rsvJ2Px!-1221912313?execution=e1s1

click register (drivers only)

this is exactly how i have done it and all it says is…the dsa dont reconise your details,tried it a dozen times wil not do it,quite frustrating really


big boots:;ODESESSIONID=N0C2STBKpZvFpmDfGM1nBJG9HN9pJV6KJnnHbvBDPSqS8rsvJ2Px!-1221912313?execution=e1s1

click register (drivers only)

this is exactly how i have done it and all it says is…the dsa dont reconise your details,tried it a dozen times wil not do it,quite frustrating really

I’ve just done it it said the same twice but I had put an extra letter In my driving licence number double check it’s down correct.

Cheers for the link big boots didn’t know it existed I recall the instructor mumbling something about it but my brain was otherwise engaged thanks.

no probs :smiley: