Advice wanted Warrington area for Plastic Tang

Much obliged to my admirers on here for t’ wise wurds.

Just put my house up for sale to be sure, gonna get me a crew cab transit for the new driveway side hustle with my friend Noel.
If anyone on here doesn’t need their washing machine anymore, leave it on yer drive & t’scrap man (also me) will sort it for ya along with some new tarmac so it will.

As a special ting for my mates on here, der be no steelin off yers. Paarp paarp get t’ [zb] out o’ de way yer 450 gobsheet…

Don’t mind if I do…

he’ll need one of these , to be sure , … 450-88293- :open_mouth: 1351.html?refcode=UKpla18&gclid=Cj0KCQjwocShBhCOARIsAFVYq0jgeMsY04zvb2IA6VjkkULEHUbrs5kRbcvLOKeTiXQlFWXCVTRglZMaAlE3EALw_wcB,

Tbf …that’s a nice looking shirt and decent price :open_mouth:

Does he understand the need to incorporate the word “yoke” twice in every sentence?

Falling at the first hurdle if not

It’s not “yoke” it’s “yoch”!!!

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