I’m after a bit of advice from you that passed your class 1 on a w&d and now drive artics. How did you find moving from a w&d to an artic. Did you struggle or was it not a problem? Is there anything that’s a big difference.
I ask as I’ve got an assesment coming up and im unsure whether to pay for the conversion course as I could really do without spending anymore money as I’ve done both my classes close together.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, there are differences but they are manageable. Going forwards will be fine provided you take all the room you can find on the approach to a junction and on the way out. In other words, make the unit (the sharp end) go the long way round. You’ll be too wide but that’s easy to tidy up.
Reversing will be different as the trailer will react much more slowly to steering input. Give yourself as much room as you can before you start. Use small steering actions and wait for the trailer to react. Then adjust. Never let a big bend develop between unit and trailer. Get out and check as many times as you need. Don’t be embarrassed by this.
Coupling and uncoupling uses the procedure you’ve been taught but the actual coupling mechanism is quite different (easier).
Come clean and tell the assessor exactly what you have driven and haven’t driven. A half decent assessor will respect you for this and provide a bit of guidance. They have no interest in “failing” you. It’s a waste of their time.
If, at any point, you’re not sure what to do, ask.
Take you time and try to enjoy the experience.
All the very best. Pete

Thanks Pete I feel confident in myself if I take it steady and think it thru I should be ok. Fingers crossed 
Be honest with your assessor
Passed on W&D.
First job on artics.
First thing you’ll come across it’s splitter (if manual).
As said before you’ll need more space on junctions and bends.
Watch your trailers front as you go round the junctions (looks scary but mostly it follows the unit unless it’s realy tight).
Reversing. As said above, don’t expect the trailer react straight away. Don’t panic (it’s hard on busy roads when you block all the traffic).
Try to avoid as much as you can blind reversing (left) it’s far easier to do good (right) reversing as you can look through the window. Mirrors lie as they are spheric. If you have to get yourself in the bay or even between trailers you’ll notice that in the mirror you are along the line but in fact you aren’t.
Coupling/uncoupling is far easier than on W&D. If you lower suspension to get under the trailer you may run over kingpin (I did. was very tight to get unit under the trailer and when I rise suspension the kingpin rest on the fifth wheel not big damage but had to blush).
Never ever don’t get distracted when you couple uncouple the trailer. Do you procedure and then take a chat with whoever! If someone helps you, don’t rely -doublecheck!
Cheers Zanfta. How did you get on with your assesment having never driven an artic? Was it quite straight foreward for you going into an artic after a w&d for you?
I passed in a W&D but now drive an artic in fact never driven a W&D since
Slightly different in artic to W&D as the pivet point is in a different place but as said you do need a bit more room when turning pulling out of junctions roundabouts but if you take your time check mirrors you should be fine I managed
The reverse is different due to an artic not being as forgiving as a W&D but again take time position it right 1st then it will make it a lot easies if you can watch other drivers & how they position never be afraid to ask as you only recently passed still works for me
but if in doubt get out & look or take a shunt yep have done that many times the secret to a good reverse is the 1st part the setting up of it yep the reverse was the hardest part to get used to
An auto is different to a manual to drive
The coupling / uncouple is slightly different to do as well but you should be fine with that
But most of all remember to take time & enjoy
Cheers Zanfta. How did you get on with your assesment having never driven an artic? Was it quite straight foreward for you going into an artic after a w&d for you?
Just told my current boss on interview that I have no experience on artics. Drove couple loops on unit only then couple up the trailer with his guidence then on road again. Following weeks was driving with buddy and intensive training on various trailers, flatbeds, tautlainers, lowloaders. Then sheeting in the rain and wind.
Once you get on the road, to be sure, take wider on the junctions and roundabouts, check your mirrors how the trailer behaves and you’ll be fine!
Good luck with your assesment!
The thing that caught me out was tight turns, take them a lot wider than with a drawbar as I nearly ended up pulling my trailer over a roundabout through not giving it enough room. Also be prepared for the trailer forward of the pin taking some of your vision out and how that impacts people and signposts etc.
Thanks DJC, it’s as you said giving yourself the extra room and watching the street furniture with the trailer. Im not gonna stress about it just give myself the space and time and I’ll hopefully be ok.
Thanks Justin
Hi Justin , can I ask who is your assessment with ?
I’ve been driving artics for about 18 months now . Before now I’ve taken a rear steer trailer out , come back and swopped for a 45 ’ standard flat trailer . Come up to the first island and promptly ran it up the curb 
I passed with pete smythe with wagon and drag , I found after a couple of hours out with another driver I soon got used to the different characteristics of an unit/ trailer setup .
Cheers Mike
Thanks for the info Mike. I trained for my c+e with Pete Smythe’s new Peterborough branch as well. I don’t mean to be rude but I won’t mention the company’s name 
Thanks again Justin