Advice please! possible assesment at co-op

Hi guys, i may have an assesment at the co-op in Wellington somerset next friday for agency work and was just wondering if anyone on here does work for them and what to expect :confused: Have had my class 2 licence since oct 08 and class 1 since nov 08. Have done quite a lot of class 2 work but have only just managed to break in to the world of the bendys :exclamation: (done a couple of night trunks). Am totally comfortable driving the artics and hitching / unhitching, the problem is the going backwards bit :confused: I know what to do and how to do it, i’m just not very good at it because i’ve hardly ever done it :neutral_face: Is this going to big a big problem :question: Any help or advice would be gratefully recieved :smiley:

Hi, I work for co op in nottingham and never had an assessment when I was an agency driver. It will just be the norm I guess making sure you’re safe and can reverse. I like the job, I’m doing ambient stock and Its heavy work and 5 days in 7 but for 28k a year its defo worth it. We never do more then 48 hours over 17 week average and its job and knock to so when you’re done early you go home. Do you know if you’re pulling ambient chilled or frozen? Your biggest problem will be reversing into store if you aren’t very good now you soon will be :smiley: Some are stupidly tight but its just part of the job and as with any job if you have the right attitude you’ll be ok.
Good luck.

About 10 days ago I was observing one of the two Leicester CO-OP trainer/assessors for advanced driving.

He was telling me that all he looks for is a general safe drive and reasonable competency on reversing when assessing potential permanent or agency drivers.

Tipped wine a few times at Wellington. As long as you haven’t got to reverse on the first set of bays you will be fine. There is a fair amount of room to move, and I think the first bays are for contractors anyway. They seem like quite a freindly bunch in there.

My Uncle does some work in there and loves it. Best of luck.

If you cant reverse coop maybe isnt for you, just the obeservations ive seen is that some of their shops are in god awful places. Even their depots the reversing is as tight as a nun’s … :wink: :laughing: Coop ■■■■■■■■■■■ the 2 shed bays at the top of the yard, christ your lucky if there is 5 inches either side of you.

If you cant reverse coop maybe isnt for you, just the obeservations ive seen is that some of their shops are in god awful places. Even their depots the reversing is as tight as a nun’s … :wink: :laughing: Coop ■■■■■■■■■■■ the 2 shed bays at the top of the yard, christ your lucky if there is 5 inches either side of you.

Some of the blind side reverses are ■■■■■■■ ridiculous but you have to see em as a challenge or else how would we do the job? :grimacing: I did a drop in Rotherham on sat where it was so tight I could only open my cab door and had to grab the anderson leads from drivers side and climb over my unit to plug em in and that was off a busy main road even I didnt think I would do it, it had to be inch perfect first time and I have only been driving a class one for 15 months. :laughing: I quite like the challenge though to be fair if I know an artic has been in there I will have a go if I get it wrong I’ll just go again.

Cheers for the advice guys, all taken on board :smiley: I’m only worried about the reversing because as a few of you have said some of the stores are in piddly ■■■ places and will be a nightmare to get into, but hey i’m up for the challenge and the only way i’m gonna learn is by gettin out there and giving it a go :exclamation: If it takes me half a dozen attempts to get in so be it as long as i do it safely and dont hit anything :open_mouth: Put it this way, as i have little experience my reversing can only get better :exclamation:
Not sure what i’m likely to be pulling but i guess being agency it’ll be a mixture of everything :question:
Will let you know how i get on, that is if the agency comes up with the goods and does get me in there on friday (have been promised things by this particular agency before and nothing has come of it).

Well friday came and went and as expected, agency was full of ■■■■! Suprise suprise no assesment :exclamation:

Have you had any work from this particular agency before?
I can’t believe that they would be full of hot air, promising you this, that and the other and then not delivering :wink: :unamused:

Good luck fella. :smiley:

The only thing you can do when faced with a tight spot is take your time and remember a truck goes in there two three times a week without incident.