Advice please... best digital telly?

I’m off tramping for three months in a few weeks time. My trusty old black and white telly’s about had it; since the analogue signal’s going to be non-existent soon I’m in the market for a digital replacement.

Needs to be fairly compact as I’ll be in a flat-top FM, so little storage space; not too bothered about DVD but if there’s a decent combi on the market I don’t mind.

Any suggestions please?

I’ve heard there are digital tv receivers you can plug into a laptop.
Not sure of the price or even if they’re any good but it might solve your ‘space’ issue. Plus you could still watch your DVD’s.

Hope this helps.

Just seen where you’re from. You working for Mansel?

Just seen where you’re from. You working for Mansel?

Nah, Mansel work for us! :laughing: I work out of Denbigh during the summer on pheasant feed, hence the tramping.

Know what you mean about the receivers but I ain’t got a laptop; thanks for that anyway.

gey a la[top then ebay or pc world you can get a digital usb stick with ariel. not sure on price as i got one free when bought laptop…instead of taking the software they offered me for students i asked for digi stick and got it :smiley: works brilliant every where i use it apart from when in laybys and trucks passing by distort it

as for best i cant say
but look in Maplin for deals
for a good picture with digi you need a good ariel 30-100 quid
i have a small flat screen 8"-10" does the job

I have one of these … egory_oid= fits in my daybag

I also have a 10" roadstar tv/dvd combi spare unit

I’ve got one of these and it tip top :smiley: … m153.l1262

But they do seem to of put the price up now, but have a look on ebay for portable dvd players thats where I found this one.

Dont even bother !!! when you park up, find the nearest pub, and socialise with other people, dont lock yourself away in your little box…

Dont even bother !!! when you park up, find the nearest pub, and socialise with other people, dont lock yourself away in your little box…

I do if I can… unfortunately because of the nature of the work (delivering to pheasant shoots) I tend to park up in rural areas, sometimes more than a decent walk from the nearest boozer.

Since the smoking ban kicked in pubs have lost a lot of their appeal for me. It used to be nice to sit in a decent armchair with a ■■■ and a pint of real ale, but now I have to go outside for a smoke I might as well stay in the cab!

Bike rally most weekends though so that’s the socialising taken care of! :wink:

thanks for all the feedback guys.