Advice on my plans please

Hi Guys, been away for a bit, but NOT as a guest of Her Majesty.
Am seriously thinking of buying a laptop computer: It has a TV tuner for both analogue and digital channels, a DVD drive so I can watch some films in peace,
but the bit I would like any good advice on is this. I am of a mind to find a GPS unit to plug in and some software for routeplanning. Anyone tried it before, and if so, any recomendations??

I think Coffee ( Neil ) might be able to help,but have a look in the computer thread’s there might be an answer in there some where. :wink:

here you go

I have gone this route to save an enormous amount of space used on storing paper maps.

If you buy a second-hand laptop, make sure it’s a USB 2.0 laptop. I think that all the GPS receivers are USB 2.0 only. It is possible to do a software update to USB 1.1 but it isn’t very stable (I got an old, USB 1.1, laptop and have done the upgrade). I have been using Microsoft Autoroute 2004, which I find quite easy to use, though not without its faults.

Autoroute 2006 is just about to be released. It is available for pre-release ordering on several sites, for £55. A GPS receiver would set you back another £50 or so, I’m not too sure about the price of receivers as I was given one by the work-mate I bought the laptop off. AR 2006 has got, I think, voice directions , so will be able to compete with the modern, dedicated GPS devices, hopefully.

There is plenty of information, advice and opinion on a GPS web site GPS Passion. TruckNet UK gets a mention in there, thanks to Ossie, who has contributed a plug-in list of UK and European Truckstops, which will show up as push pins on an Autoroute map page.

I have AutoRoute 2005 on a USB 1.1 laptop. I use a GPS ‘mouse’ which is ok 90% of the time. :unamused: It’s the setting up that’s a bit awkward.

AutoRoute 2005 is a big improvement on previous versions in-so-much-as it refreshes every second instead of every 10 secs (by which time I had missed my turn :angry: ) as with previous versions.

To be honest, I am thinking of going down the PDA or Tom Tom route as the laptop can be a bit ■■■■■■■■■■ and difficult to secure whilst still in view.