Advice Needed

Looking to pick your brains with this weekly Schedule.

I currently start work Sunday - thursday 1400.

A scotland run may be available so going to put my name down…

But this is how my week would go…

Sunday 1400
Monday 1330
Tuesday 1500

I finish within 12hrs with above times.

Scotland run will be 2100 start Wednesday
Friday finish 7am.

Obviously I will have to control drive time etc but with the 7 hour swing from my normal start between 1pm and 1500 would this be a issue?

Just want to to see before I commit to it etc.

Cheers for any advise.

If you can get at least 45hr break in between when you finish on Friday and when you start on Sunday there’s no issues. If you reduce from that for any reason then you could count the time off between when you finish from your Tuesday night shift and when you start on Wednesday night as a reduced daily rest plus the compensation. If you’re finishing 3am Wednesday morning and not starting to 9pm Wednesday night then that could compensate for as much as 9hrs reduction of your weekly rest should things go to pot on your Scottish run.

Legally there’s no issue, if it’s a regular thing though, body clock could take a beating. A one off won’t harm but it’s unnecessary stress that you could probably do without long term.

That’s what I was thinking.
Reason why I was unsure was with the jump from my regular window etc.

To be honest I may just do it every 2 weeks on a wednesday as its apparently a lead up to christmas thing.

Cheers for the reply.