…on reversing a DAF XF!
I’ve been regularly driving artics for 2 months now and am finding my reversing very much improved. With this improvement comes much needed confidence, however I seem to be having difficulty backing an XF onto loading bays 
I have driven, mainly, Renault Premiums and Scania R440’s with not too many problems but the DAF (only used it 3 times, all problematic) doesn’t do what I want it to do when going backwards. I’m finding it turns very late in response to my steering input which sees me miss my markers constantly and having to shunt again and again resulting in stress, frustration and confusion (12 shunts onto our depot bay when i usually put the Renaults on in 1 or 2■■?)
Whats the knack? what should I be doing that i’m not?
Any help or advice greatly appreciated
Is it a different axle set up? Are the R440’s a 6x2 with a midlift? I find these can be slow to react with the midlift down when compared to a 4x2 set up. Maybe the mirrors have a slight different concave to them? Sorry I can’t be much help. Maybe the XF has a slower/faster steering rack compared to the other units you’ve driven?
All units are 6x2 with a midlift, the only variation I can see is that the DAF has steering to the front 2 axles (that may be usual of course). It seems to me that the DAF is really slow to respond to my steering input and that, maybe, because I am expecting a quicker response, I am turning the steering wheel even further and thus is all goes belly up …again 
Is it a case of I should steer a little earlier than usual and wait? then anticipate an early correction? I’ve got an 0800 drop tomorrow which I find tight with a Renault, let alone the DAF (worrying about it already
If it’s got rear steering axles, then will turn/come round quicker than a standard tractor unit, try not to put too much lock on & go slow, also lift the middle axle if you can, makes it come round easier. Any small movement on the steering will make the trailer react quicker than with a standard fixed axle unit.
Even better if you’ve got steering axles on the trailer aswell, she’ll go all over the place except where you want it 
The R440’s steer to the two front axles aswell.
No need to worry though. I’ve only been driving for 2 months too, just take it as it comes. Maybe try reversing back a little slower? Or maybe try lifting the mid axle (if you can)?
The only steered axles are the 1st 2 of the unit. I hadn’t thought of lifting the mid axle! will try that tomorrow…I assume you can overide the button (i.e. keep it pressed and make sure the axle lifts) and force the lift?
…good grief, don’t let me anywhere near a rear steer trailer then 
I’ve only driven the Scania R440’s with the midlift and I’m pretty sure if fully laden then you can’t lift the mid axle. There is a button however where you can transfer weight to the drive axle, this might take a bit of weight off the mid axle and give an easier turn? Just a thought, no idea what it’s like for the renaults or DAFs.