Advice for a really old driver!

I am new on here, my very first post, but I have been looking around for a while so please be gentle with me…
My Class 1 expired last April, I needed to get a medical (as I am over 45) but I didn,t do it. Now will I still be able to get a medical and renew my licence or am I too late?
By the way I don’t drive anymore I’m a builder, but it always handy to have class 1.
I used to drive for ‘Hargrave Int’ in the 80s-90s reading this forum has really brought all the memories flooding back, like the weekends in Campogaliano and with half of Peterborough (murfitts) in Bourg. Tipping hanging Beef first drop Rungis second drop Nice now that was a pain to get into little french back streets.
I remember getting stuck at Burgos for 5 days in the snow that was interesting, stuck in Greece waiting for the Grape price to rise, that was really hard(not) 10 days on a beach in a littel village just down from the corinth canal, on FULL pay.
It was a good job then, we used to go down to Greece and up to Sweden, and all in between, I have read on here that they don’t do Int work anymore?
I also used to work for a guy in Deeping St Nicholas called ‘NIC Int’ anyone heard of that firm used to have big 500 MANs, run to Gib and Greece and spain and anywhere else really
The trucks these days do apear to be much better, I could be wrong, the hours I think are shorter, we used to do 90 hours most weeks. (and more… :wink: )
Would I go back and do it again…when the kids have grown up and gone… YEP no doubt about it!!! it was great even being away for weeks on end
The diesel is in the blood you can’t get rid of it…
Look forward to the replies
Take it easy out there guys…oh and gals…sorry weren’t that many in my day :smiley:

Hi there, you are not old at 45, got my licence late in life and really wish I had done it earlier. Retired now, but I remember getting stuck in snow at Burgos too. Knew a few drivers from Hargraves and I see you are in my area. If you want details for medical, I have some in this area.

hi, welcome to truck-net.

I`m 46.and dont feel old at all,

Us yellow bellys should stick togeather !!!


I believe that you have a 10 year ‘window’ between the expiry of a Licence and re-issuing for it.

Thanks for the replies, I’ve just been on the phone to DVLA and they are going to send me another form to get a medical.
Who does cheap medicals in South Lincs?
Or is it really worth getting back into driving?(partime)
You are correct 45 is NOT old but …If like me you still play Rugby, on Sunday morning you do feel VERY old…

I believe that you have a 10 year ‘window’ between the expiry of a Licence and re-issuing for it.

You have 2 years in which to renew an expired vocational licence.

Old at 45 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: thats not old :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I was 45 once, though I do have trouble remembering that far back :blush: :blush: :blush: :wink:

I’m 37 and I feel soooooooooo old!!! :frowning:

I’m 37 and I feel soooooooooo old!!! :frowning:

thou just a whippersnapper of a lad, :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Try that or your own Dr

45 not even middle age

Here is the site you want, in case you did not see my pm.

Thanks for that scanialady, They are not far from where I live so i’m going to ring and arrange an appointment.

Welcome to TN Deepinvet, I believe you said ‘over 45’, which could mean anything. I’m over 45 too, 20 years over in fact but it doesn’t matter, I think 65 is the new 45. :unamused: :laughing:

20 years over in fact but it doesn’t matter,

I hope you’ve made sure to claim your Winter Fuel Allowance?

:wink: :wink: