
I had a company contact me asking if I would put a political parties advert on my truck for the next few weeks! Apart from the fact I do not support this party the offer was to do it free!! :unamused: :open_mouth:

This all came about after a chat with a number of political people who were at a doo which I had to attend with my wife and I got going on the party I would vote for would be the one who acknowledged the importance of the haulage industry.

Anyway it made me think :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

We had the fair play on fuel stickers so how about vote for X stickers. X being the party who actually states in their manifest that they will stand up for us and give us the requirements we need to do our job.

Just a thought

the problem is, who has the kind of integrity that we are looking for? most politicians will say anything they think we want to hear so we vote for them. once elected, we are nothing to them :unamused:

Some companies do not like any kind of political advertising on trucks delivering their goods.

I remember a long time ago, me and my mate had 2 box vans and we stuck some stickers on the back doors.

“Jeremy Thorpe tells fibs”

after allegedly lying about his boyfriends dog being killed or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Our customer made us remove them :open_mouth:

the problem is, who has the kind of integrity that we are looking for? most politicians will say anything they think we want to hear so we vote for them. once elected, we are nothing to them :unamused:

very true,all they want is your x in a box.once they have that then sod you and all the promises they gave seem to be forgotton.every time time a poitician opens their mouth then you know it’s a lie. :laughing: :laughing: