Start my course on 14 th of march in leeds at hardgreaves am just little bit scared of the prospect of failing and wasting the money i have paid just want to know if there is a site i could brush up on so i know what to expect. Thanks mick

sorry wrong thread

which thread?

I wouldn’t worry too much,if you’re on a decent enough course they will teach you everything you need to know,a lot of it on the actual exams is common sense and multipile choice,main things I found were learning what the different classes were and what the diamonds for each look like,safety/emergency gear and procedures,paperwork/haznotes/required documents,and basic first aid. gives an alright overview of ADR is all the placards.

I’m assuming you won’t be doing Classes1 or 7 so don’t worry too much about them either as they are extra one-day courses.It seems a lot to take in to start with,but if you’ve got anything about you then you shouldn’t find it too difficult

dont worry michaeloxley its impossible to fail if u have 2 brain cells.the course is quite entertaining aswell(lots of slides showing explosions/acid etc)

Just passed 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 in tanks this week, wasnt too hard just do the studying
for an hour each night and read the questions thoroughly.
Lots of common sense questions and plenty time for each exam.

good luck with it :smiley: :smiley:

TezzDemon: is all the placards… you shouldn’t find it too difficult

Hi Tezz,
The OP will find it difficult if he takes any notice of the link in the part of your post that I’ve quoted, because that link goes to info that’s out of date for the ADR course that he’s doing.
The info in that link is also Australian, so the info is a little different because Australia isn’t a member country of ADR.

The label colours that the OP will need are in my answer to Hutchie about half way down this page:

I hope this helps. :smiley:

do you need to take pen paper with you to right some of the info out or do you get a book

do you need to take pen paper with you to right some of the info out or do you get a book

They should provide everything for you, but taking a biro and a A4/A5 lined note pad to take notes during the course is a good idea. An highlight pen may be useful too, to highlight key points in the booklet that you get, oh and don`t forget to take your driving licence or digi card with you on the 1st & exam days

I hope the OP isnt funding the course with Hargreaves himself, having just completed the same initial 7 class T&P course inc exams (2009 paper B) myself this week. I found Hargreaves to be £100 - £200 more expensive than other local-ish providers, which (even though Ive used Hargreaves in the past) is why I went elsewhere.

Taking a huge pile of HSE ADR reference books & legislation to the ADR course, that I had for the DGSA course was probably a bit OTT :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Tezz,
The OP will find it difficult if he takes any notice of the link in the part of your post that I’ve quoted, because that link goes to info that’s out of date for the ADR course that he’s doing.
The info in that link is also Austrailian, so the info is a little different because Australia isn’t a member country of ADR.

The label colours that the OP will need are in my answer to Hutchie about half way down this page:


I hope this helps.

Thank you very much,I really should pay a bit more attention at times :slight_smile:

it`s impossible to fail if u have 2 brain cells

Pretty much

the course is quite entertaining aswell(lots of slides showing explosions/acid etc)

The BLEVE videos were my favourites,one hell of an explosion!!

do you need to take pen paper with you to right some of the info out or do you get a book

The course I was on gave you a book which I still have and is very useful,although my copy is most likely out of date,but the fundamental basics are still in there.They also gave us pen and paper for if we wanted to take notes,although that’s down to the individual,I don’t make many notes personally but others on my course wrote pages :open_mouth:

DieselDave,how many hours towards a drivers CPC does an ADR gain?I have got my renewal next year,and was wondering if I do the tanks section,does that gain extra hours towards the CPC?Am going to do tanks regardless,was just curious if it gets me any extra hours?

Start my course on 14 th of march in leeds at hardgreaves am just little bit scared of the prospect of failing and wasting the money i have paid just want to know if there is a site i could brush up on so i know what to expect. Thanks mick

No sweat harder to fail than to pass.

DieselDave,how many hours towards a drivers CPC does an ADR gain?I have got my renewal next year,and was wondering if I do the tanks section,does that gain extra hours towards the CPC?Am going to do tanks regardless,was just curious if it gets me any extra hours?

if you do core, tanks and packs you can accrue 7hrs for each module =21hrs though Dave did tell me some providers have somehow managed to squeeze another 7 hours out of the course =28hrs
You will of course have to pay the “upload fee” on top of the course fees for the DCPC of around £20 per 7hrs accrued though the actual upload cost is only £8.75 the rest of the £20 goes on “admin fees”

Dave may be able to answer this: are you allowed to laminate you VTC to stop it dropping into pieces over time? Or is it a bad idea?

Taking a huge pile of HSE ADR reference books & legislation to the ADR course, that I had for the DGSA course was probably a bit OTT :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Peirre,

That would defo be OTT for an ADR course, because the ADR course is to teach drivers what they need to know in order to carry dangerous goods safely and in compliance with a driver’s responsibilities under the Regulations.

How did you fare with the DGSA course and exams??

Just passed 2,3,4,5,6,8,9 in tanks this week, …

Congratulations!! :smiley:

… wasnt too hard just do the studying
for an hour each night and read the questions thoroughly.
Lots of common sense questions and plenty time for each exam.

Spot-on advice for anybody taking an ADR course, but I’d add just one thing…

If there’s something said that you don’t understand, then ASK, because if you don’t know it at that point and don’t ask, then you’ll still not know it on exam day. :wink: :grimacing:

do you need to take pen paper with you to right some of the info out or do you get a book

Hi mate,

I’d follow Peirre’s advice if I were you mate. :smiley:

The training provider must give you some sort of booklet/handout that will become yours to keep, but some providers meet that requirement by giving you a pre-printed booklet. A notebook and (black) pen would be a good idea too.

Without knowing which course provider your training provider has chosen to buy their course from, it won’t be possible for me to tell you in advance whether the handout follows the order of the PowerPoint slides.

It’s not really anything that should worry you unduly though… :smiley:


DieselDave,how many hours towards a drivers CPC does an ADR gain?I have got my renewal next year,and was wondering if I do the tanks section,does that gain extra hours towards the CPC?Am going to do tanks regardless,was just curious if it gets me any extra hours?

if you do core, tanks and packs you can accrue 7hrs for each module =21hrs though Dave did tell me some providers have somehow managed to squeeze another 7 hours out of the course =28hrs
You will of course have to pay the “upload fee” on top of the course fees for the DCPC of around £20 per 7hrs accrued though the actual upload cost is only £8.75 the rest of the £20 goes on “admin fees”

If it a refresher course then dont think you get the 21 / 28 hrs but you can gain some

The course I was on gave you a book which I still have and is very useful,although my copy is most likely out of date, …

Hi Tezz,

I’ll guarantee that your book is out-of-date. :wink:

DieselDave,how many hours towards a drivers CPC does an ADR gain?I have got my renewal next year,and was wondering if I do the tanks section,does that gain extra hours towards the CPC?Am going to do tanks regardless,was just curious if it gets me any extra hours?

The answer to your question will depend on which ADR provider you choose.

Some ADR providers have registered their ADR course with JAUPT (for DCPC) in various ways, all of which are options within the rules…

One way is to register the whole Core, Packs and seven UN Classes as a ‘lump,’ which gets you 21 DCPC hours, whilst others have registered it as three separate seven-hour ‘chunks’ to allow for those drivers who only need (say) Core, Packs and UN Class 2 because they’ll only ever carry Calor Gas cylinders. With the right provider, that would get 14 DCPC hours, but with other ADR providers, it would get you nothing towards DCPC.

Even if an ADR provider had registered Core, Packs and seven UN Classes for 21 hours (in whichever way,) not all of them have taken the option to register another seven hours for the tanker module. The reason for this is the extortionate registration fees demanded by JAUPT. :smiling_imp:
I can completely understand why not all ADR providers have registered the extra seven hours for the tanker module, because (from my experience) I’d say that only about 30-40% of those taking the Core Packs and seven UN Classes will stay on the course after the exams finish at Thursday lunchtime to attend the tanker module.

The last two courses I taught are good examples of this.
The week before last at Ellesmere Port, I had 13 candidates for Core, Packs and seven UN Classes, but only 6 remained for the tanker module.
Last week at Southampton, I had 18 candidates for Core, Packs and seven UN Classes, but only 8 remained for the tanker module.
Sometimes, I’ll teach the Core, Packs and seven UN Classes, and then find out that the tanker module is cancelled due to lack of interest. :frowning:

Bearing the above in mind, my next point is to say that a refresher course may count as seven hours towards your DCPC, but not all providers offer refreshers, and many of those who do have decided not to bother registering the ADR refresher with JAUPT.

If you have any choice in the matter, I’d advise you to sit an ‘initial’ ADR, but please take your present ADR Certificate with you and mention to the instructor that you’re a refresher candidate when you fill in the course joining form on day #1.

This gives you three advantages:
1.) You can return to ADR work straight after the course, because you still have a valid ADR Certificate.
2.) You will have any unexpired portion of your present ADR certificate added to your new ADR Certificate, so you don’t lose any validity.
3.) You would get 21 (or possibly 28) DCPC hours and not have to hurriedly cram for exams due to the refresher timescale being half that of an initial ADR course.

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Dave may be able to answer this: are you allowed to laminate you VTC to stop it dropping into pieces over time? Or is it a bad idea?

Hi Peirre,

I’m afraid there’s nothing one way or the other in ADR on the question of laminating an ADR Certificate.

If it a refresher course then dont think you get the 21 / 28 hrs but you can gain some

Hi animal,

The “some” is 7 hours, but not all providers offer a refresher option, and they aren’t actually required to.

Even those that offer refreshers haven’t all got them registered with JAUPT for the seven hours due to the high registration costs and low(ish) uptake of refreshers by candidates.

Due to the way that the ADR legislation changes every two years and companies failing to update drivers when this happens, my advice to most candidates is that they take an ‘initial’ course as a refresher and get a nice leisurely 21 (or maybe 28) DCPC hours for it. :wink: