Whats ADR?

It’s the qualification required to carry hazardous goods and packages over certain limits. The man to speak with is Diesel Dave. Suggest you send him a pm as he is the authority on this.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Brit in Malta:
Whats ADR?

Hi Brit in Malta,

The straight answer to your question is that ADR is the:

European Agreement concerning the international carriage of Dangerous goods by Road.

In other words, ADR is a standardised set of regulations for carrying dangerous goods internationally by road in (currently) 46 countries.
Just imagine doing international work and having to learn the different national requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods in lots of different countries.
:bulb: After a short time spent trying to learn all those different requirements, you’d be begging for a set of standardised regulations, so please allow me to introduce you to your new friend… ADR. :grimacing:

I’m guessing a bit here, because I’m unsure of the context of your question.
Another good answer is the one that Peter gave, cos we’re assuming that you might have seen a job advert that asks for a driver with ADR■■?

If that’s the case, then ADR is a course (with exams) that you can take. If you pass the exams, you’ll then receive an ADR-licence that allows you to carry dangerous goods in/on the road vehicles for which you hold a driving licence.

Malta is a member of the ADR agreement, so the training is probably quite similar to what we do in the UK.
Would you please make enquiries to see what’s entailed in a Maltese ADR course, cos I’d be very interested to know??
(Even if you decide not to take the course. :wink: )

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Malta is a member of the ADR agreement, so the training is probably quite similar to what we do in the UK.
Would you please make enquiries to see what’s entailed in a Maltese ADR course, cos I’d be very interested to know??
(Even if you decide not to take the course. :wink: )

I hope this helps. :smiley:

What a brilliant idea, a weeks sun with oldtimer lorry spotting and an ADR to boot :stuck_out_tongue:

The Island gets a medal, we get a certificate. Am off, or should that be Amalfi :wink:

€116 for employed, free for unemployed.

Malta is a member of the ADR agreement, so the training is probably quite similar to what we do in the UK.
Would you please make enquiries to see what’s entailed in a Maltese ADR course, cos I’d be very interested to know??
(Even if you decide not to take the course. :wink: )

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Dave are we off to Malta don’t forget I have a mobile licence for providing ADR :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Data Academy:

Malta is a member of the ADR agreement, so the training is probably quite similar to what we do in the UK.
Would you please make enquiries to see what’s entailed in a Maltese ADR course, cos I’d be very interested to know??
(Even if you decide not to take the course. :wink: )

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Dave are we off to Malta don’t forget I have a mobile licence for providing ADR :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ahh yes, but… UK ADR providers aren’t allowed to deliver outside of the UK mainland. :frowning:

From the few bits I’ve read, it seems that ADR is taught in Malta by Maltese providers approved by the relevant Maltese awarding body.

However, I do know that the DGSA qualification is taught to the Maltese in Malta by UK providers, because there aren’t any DfT restrictions on the provision of DGSA tuition. :wink: