ADR - Limited Quantities

My gaffer informs me that they are phasing out ‘limited quantities’ on ADR at the end of the year, yet i’ve heard nowt on the ‘grapevine’

Is this true?? or more TM BS?

I don’t know the answer but I do recall how our ADR instructor said that LQ was the biggest load of bollox! I suppose a trailer full of ‘whatever dodgy’ is still dodgy, whether it’s in smaller packages or not.

The Lincs Lorryist:
My gaffer informs me that they are phasing out ‘limited quantities’ on ADR at the end of the year, yet i’ve heard nowt on the ‘grapevine’

Is this true?? or more TM BS?

Hi The Lincs Lorryist,

I’m afraid it’s just more TM BS mate. I’d love to ask him where he heard it. :laughing: :grimacing: :wink:

If LQs were being phased out, I’d already know about it and I’d have put something in the forum to let folks know.
:bulb: In fact, the carriage of LQs is undergoing something of a revision and tightening of the requirements at this time. Those changes will take effect on 01/01/2011, but there’s normally a six-month period of grace provided in ADR for people to adapt to new changes.

:arrow_right: Here’s a question for your gaffer… :wink:

If LQs are being phased out as he suggests, then why are there new LQ vehicle and LQ package marking requirements for the carriage of LQs going to be coming out in the new version of ADR coming into force on 01/01/2011■■

This will be the new LQ package label (100mm x 100mm) as from 01/01/2011 (ADR 2011 3.4.7)

A vehicle of more than 12t permitted GVW will need larger versions of the above, (which will be placards of 250mm X 250mm) to be displayed one on the front and one on the rear when carrying more than 8t of goods packed in LQs. Standard ADR plain orange plates may be used instead though. (Just before anybody asks, a driver still won’t need an ADR licence for carrying LQs. :wink: )

Thanks DD, i suspected a whiff of BS wafting about the office when TM stated that LQ was RIP :grimacing:

Dave, does this mean that all vehicles carrying LQ from next January will have to display the new markings?

Dave, does this mean that all vehicles carrying LQ from next January will have to display the new markings?

Hi stringy,

Not quite all vehicles mate, cos what I wrote above covers vehicles of greater than 12t permitted GVW carrying more than 8t of LQs exactly as at present.

The only new requirement is that method of marking LQ vehicles will change from the present “LTD QTY” in black letters not less than 65 mm high on a white background to the placards shown above. Standard ADR orange plates (one at the front and one at the rear) may continue be used to convey the same meaning instead even after the change comes into effect next year.

There’s usually a six-month phasing-in period, so there’s no need for panic on or just before 01/01/11. :smiley:

ADR, its all Twaddle

Twaddle, Twaddle, Twaddle :wink: