Adios Warburtons

Well that’s it I can only be pushed so far and today was the last straw. As I set out this morning to do a route that has been so badly changed its unreal I was planing to finish as quickly as possible and start my 2 days off. Got to one customer just a few minutes later than the stated arrival time, shop locked up can’t get in front or back. No answer to the bell, waited for 10 minutes and then called the depot informing the duty Team Leader of what has happened.

As I was leaving to go to another area I told him that it won’t be possible for me to return here as I’ll be miles away and this customer has a habit of doing this. Later on I get a call from the Senior Team Leader and I proceed to explain what happened. He tells me that I have to go back and deliver but that means all others will be late. He then tells me that I have to go back at the end of the shift and I told him if I have the time I’ll do it. As we don’t get any overtime anything after 12:30 is my time.

I carry on with the route and get back to the depot at around 12:15, unload and the offending delivery note is taken upstairs. Then I’m told to go and see the Depot Manager. He then proceeds to read me the riot act and tells me that my contract states that I have to be ‘Flexible’ and tells me to go and redeliver or he’ll do an investigation. As other things have been brewing within me and after making the required notifications of the issues and nothing being done about them I decided there and then on the action plan.

‘You’ve got my official weeks notice as of Now’ I told him. He didn’t even bat an eye lit, all he said can you put it in writing. Went home and typed up a letter, asked for Pay in Lieu but don’t know if they will honour it. So if nothing is heard after my 2 days off I’ll be back to work to work my notice. He might be a Class1 prat but I’ll do thing properly.

I know in this economic climate it wasn’t the smartest thing to do but when you work for a Muppet manager then he deserves what’s coming to him. Have to point out that my Team Leader is very good and I’ll be sorry to leave that team.

For a Company that claims to be a Family Company all this Depot Manager is interested is the bread and he couldn’t give a monkeys about the drivers.

I’m left wondering whether you could have used your LOAF a little more as it now means that you are not earning a CRUST - oh well !! - you will probably find a BREADER job :blush: :blush: :wink: :laughing:

Warburtons Family Bakers

I love their stuff,

especially this one

Here’s hoping that I don’t find one that is worse, the way that they treat drivers I won’t be the last to leave before Christmas.

Looks like your TOAST, just get another job and you’ll soon be earning plenty of DOUGH again :laughing:

I should have realised that posting this would bring out the jokers… :grimacing:

I should have realised that posting this would bring out the jokers… :grimacing:

There are some CRUMBy puns …

You can’t have your cake and eat it,

You will want jam on it next. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you find something else though, but it is how the cookie crumbles.

OK I am going now!

If there’s no bread (or anybody to deliver it) then let them eat cake. :wink: :grimacing:

I hope you get another job soon so you can earn some DOUGH :slight_smile:

For a Company that claims to be a Family Company all this Depot Manager is interested is the bread

Well I should hope he is :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:

Thank you for all the Bready puns, much needed after the drive I had today. On the lighter side just got off the phone with a local agency and I’m booked to drive a bendy to Rochester tomorrow morning. Lets hope its one of many. BTW Wheelnut if its fresh cream cake, that would be a different story :smiley:

Thought they named a loaf after The Manager, then I noticed it said ‘Thick Cut’.

Well that’s it I can only be pushed so far and today was the last straw. As I set out this morning to do a route that has been so badly changed its unreal I was planing to finish as quickly as possible and start my 2 days off. Got to one customer just a few minutes later than the stated arrival time, shop locked up can’t get in front or back. No answer to the bell, waited for 10 minutes and then called the depot informing the duty Team Leader of what has happened.

As I was leaving to go to another area I told him that it won’t be possible for me to return here as I’ll be miles away and this customer has a habit of doing this. Later on I get a call from the Senior Team Leader and I proceed to explain what happened. He tells me that I have to go back and deliver but that means all others will be late. He then tells me that I have to go back at the end of the shift and I told him if I have the time I’ll do it. As we don’t get any overtime anything after 12:30 is my time.

I carry on with the route and get back to the depot at around 12:15, unload and the offending delivery note is taken upstairs. Then I’m told to go and see the Depot Manager. He then proceeds to read me the riot act and tells me that my contract states that I have to be ‘Flexible’ and tells me to go and redeliver or he’ll do an investigation. As other things have been brewing within me and after making the required notifications of the issues and nothing being done about them I decided there and then on the action plan.

‘You’ve got my official weeks notice as of Now’ I told him. He didn’t even bat an eye lit, all he said can you put it in writing. Went home and typed up a letter, asked for Pay in Lieu but don’t know if they will honour it. So if nothing is heard after my 2 days off I’ll be back to work to work my notice. He might be a Class1 prat but I’ll do thing properly.

I know in this economic climate it wasn’t the smartest thing to do but when you work for a Muppet manager then he deserves what’s coming to him. Have to point out that my Team Leader is very good and I’ll be sorry to leave that team.

For a Company that claims to be a Family Company all this Depot Manager is interested is the bread and he couldn’t give a monkeys about the drivers.

Do you get paid standard rate after 12.30pm??

absolutely sweet fa after 12:30 pm. The company does not pay overtime.

Why should you work for nothing ? Why should they expect you to ? When you put diesel in the truck do they expect the garage to chuck an extra few gallons in because it’s Warburtons.Any idiot who works for nothing just makes it harder for the rest of us who wont.You did the right thing.“Flexible”,it’s one of those undefinable words,just like “reasonable”.Everyone needs a contract where it is all in black and white so both sides know where they stand.

absolutely sweet fa after 12:30 pm. The company does not pay overtime.

But it may be “job and knock” in which case you could be done an hour early and still get paid until 1230. If that’s the case, sorry but I think you were hasty in your decision.

There’s certainly something missing in the gaffer’s management style and I’m not sure I could work for him.

Hope everything works out :laughing: :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

absolutely sweet fa after 12:30 pm. The company does not pay overtime.

But it may be “job and knock” in which case you could be done an hour early and still get paid until 1230. If that’s the case, sorry but I think you were hasty in your decision.

There’s certainly something missing in the gaffer’s management style and I’m not sure I could work for him.

Hope everything works out :laughing: :laughing:

But clearly he wasn’t done an hour early as he states in his post he got back to the depot at 12.15!

Peter Smythe:

absolutely sweet fa after 12:30 pm. The company does not pay overtime.

But it may be “job and knock” in which case you could be done an hour early and still get paid until 1230. If that’s the case, sorry but I think you were hasty in your decision.

There’s certainly something missing in the gaffer’s management style and I’m not sure I could work for him.

Hope everything works out :laughing: :laughing:

But clearly he wasn’t done an hour early as he states in his post he got back to the depot at 12.15!


Peter Smythe:

absolutely sweet fa after 12:30 pm. The company does not pay overtime.

But it may be “job and knock” in which case you could be done an hour early and still get paid until 1230. If that’s the case, sorry but I think you were hasty in your decision.

There’s certainly something missing in the gaffer’s management style and I’m not sure I could work for him.

Hope everything works out :laughing: :laughing:

But clearly he wasn’t done an hour early as he states in his post he got back to the depot at 12.15!

twice on the trot as well looking at the posts from ■■■■■ :laughing: