Adios amigos

But only until the winter :laughing:

Now that the temperature is climbing my trusty old motorbike is calling me, so the agencies have been informed in the nicest possible way that I am a man of leisure again. When winter approaches or the finances have dipped too much I’ll be back behind the wheel. I have thoroughly enjoyed this forum and the tips have helped me enormously. May I wish you all well until we meet again on the ether.
BTW I’ve posted some of my expoits on


All the best Gordy and have a safe journey :smiley: .

Nice one Gordy, have fun!, Drive safely, hear from you later in the year.

All the best Gordy, hopefully our paths will cross sometime over the summer on the Divvies. Spent the weekend checking valve clearances [all fine after 37000 miles!], took the forks off to do the seals and change the oil, and have a front tyre ready to fit… can’t wait, it’s been a long winter !!

Had a wee mishap at work today while climbing up a ladder fixed to a wall to get on a loading bay. Slipped and landed on the ledge on my rib cage. Not an experience I want to repeat. Neither was the 3 hour wait at R.A.H. Paisley for a doctor and x-rays. Nothing broken, but bruised ribs which from previous experience I know will only get even more painful for the next couple of days.
Hopefully back to work by Monday.

Read about your travels on your website, was very envious. Have a great time if you’re heading off to the continent again.


Had a wee mishap at work today while climbing up a ladder fixed to a wall to get on a loading bay. Slipped and landed on the ledge on my rib cage. Not an experience I want to repeat. Neither was the 3 hour wait at R.A.H. Paisley for a doctor and x-rays. Nothing broken, but bruised ribs which from previous experience I know will only get even more painful for the next couple of days.
Hopefully back to work by Monday.

Sorry to hear of your ‘Wee Mishap’, take it easy, hope you soon feel better.

Gordy it’s a bit early mate. We’ve been out on the bike the last three weekends and I haven’t noticed a rise in temperature. This is beginng to look more like the Divvy club.
Have fun your website is good had a good read.

Sorry Gordy, but it’s gone to Bully’s bar - Knight’s right :wink:. Nice website though - why don’t you put it in you signature? Making me drool :laughing:. Personally I need a new chain and sprocket set. With the Scottoiler, I’ve only had one in the bike’s lifetime @14,000 miles. It’s now on 30,000 miles (a Honda CB500s). [zb], they’ve gone up. £140 fitted :open_mouth:. It was £85 last time :frowning: . It’s getting towoards a new front tyre. Why does it all come togeather :unamused:.

all the best and be safe. :wink:

Liberace. Give wheelhouse tyres a call, I bet you will get chain sprockets and tyre done for £150

keep on biking Gordy

Thanks Malc, but I’ve had it done. It’s a genuine gold jobbie, so I suppose it wasn’t too bad in the end. Went to Twiggers. They’re pretty good their and fitted it without making me wait a week. Also didn’t charge me for fitting :wink:. One dealer even wanted my credit card no so he could order it. [zb] that.

Now I’ve just got to sort the Scottoiler :unamused:.