
We’ve had this before lads, firstly I would say ask your workshop or someone that will know about Adblue. To put something into your vehicle you know nowt about is bordering on Amateurism!

To put simply Adblue is injected into the exhaust gases to neutralize the damaging carbons, soots and monoxide particles to ensure the engine reaches the safe emissions figures required. As it is injected into the down pipe of the exhaust then it has no effect on the engine itself although on some vehicles the ECU will detect no Adblue and send a warning to the driver (via the dash light) and reduce power slightly so the engine isn’t now chucking out so much harmful gases, it seems not all makes do this.

I don’t know who, what or where the idea came about that it was Urine, it isn’t, it is a Urea based chemical, man made and not from Pigs, Monkeys, Donkeys or the ■■■ that’s ■■■■■■■ into his tank. Urea is found in Urine along with other minerals and waste chemicals your body doesn’t need anymore, this has been mistaken for Urine. Much easier to just ask and find out properly about these things at work instead of lisenting to old wives tales, although some of these can be amusing!

So human ■■■■ then? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You missed Sheep out, I’ve heard it’s Sheeps ■■■■ :sunglasses:

We’ve had this before lads, firstly I would say ask your workshop or someone that will know about Adblue. To put something into your vehicle you know nowt about is bordering on Amateurism!

To put simply Adblue is injected into the exhaust gases to neutralize the damaging carbons, soots and monoxide particles to ensure the engine reaches the safe emissions figures required. As it is injected into the down pipe of the exhaust then it has no effect on the engine itself although on some vehicles the ECU will detect no Adblue and send a warning to the driver (via the dash light) and reduce power slightly so the engine isn’t now chucking out so much harmful gases, it seems not all makes do this.

I don’t know who, what or where the idea came about that it was Urine, it isn’t, it is a Urea based chemical, man made and not from Pigs, Monkeys, Donkeys or the ■■■ that’s ■■■■■■■ into his tank. Urea is found in Urine along with other minerals and waste chemicals your body doesn’t need anymore, this has been mistaken for Urine. Much easier to just ask and find out properly about these things at work instead of lisenting to old wives tales, although some of these can be amusing!

“Yeah but, some geezer with chalky tyres having a night out on the bay at Tescos in Widnes told me it was pig ■■■■”


It’s not pig ■■■■, it’s completely synthetic


Why should you run out of adblue?? if you run out of derv you would expect a bollocking at least from the boss, (or the sack if you worked for me) :smiley: :smiley: why should adblue be treated differently? its still negligence, its part of your duty. regards Kevmac47

SHould spot it on your daily walk around checks :stuck_out_tongue:

just stick some water in.

Or you could always Add some Blue screenwash to the water that should then fool the BAG as they drive past you , :laughing:

just stick some water in.

Deffo, stick enough water in to get you back to base before it runs out, then fill it up once back in the yard!!


I have ran out and drove 30 miles with warning panel saying Adblue Empty. I didn’t lose power but I have heard some lorries you do ■■

You know what happens to people that lissen to too many stories

I drive a mates Merc occasionally and it ran out about 3 years ago, not running any differently but it shouldnt affect it really as it’s injected into the exhaust system not through the engine.

its injected into the cat

It is injected into the exhaust and essentially makes the microscopically fine soot particles clump together so they are not as small.

The add blue netralizes the gasses

tommy t:
Or you could always Add some Blue screenwash to the water that should then fool the BAG as they drive past you , :laughing:

Wouldn’t that give the game away slightly, “oh look Cuthbert. That smelly lorry is belching bubbles out of the exhaust” :stuck_out_tongue:

Cuthbert is the middle name of all VOSA employees! M or F

Adblue is injected before the CAT - Fact
Adblue reduces the NOx emissions - Fact
Adblue is 67.5% Water - Fact
Adblue is 32.5% Urea - Fact

Lack of Adblue in the system will alter the classification of taxable emissions - Fact

Engines are classified by Euro Zone 0 to 6 at present. The higher the NOx the lower the zone. - Fact

Adblue works by releasing ammonia into the cat, the cat works cleaning emissions before getting rid of the ammonia.

It is injected into the cat, Adblue also keeps the injector cool. … lue_en.pdf

I do not believe that Adblue is Corrosive. (Certainly not classified as such)

It is also my belief that a vehicle without Adblue will eventually damage the pump & injector through running dry

Wheel Nut:
I do not believe that Adblue is Corrosive. (Certainly not classified as such)

Not corrosive, but does react over time with certain materials like aluminium.

Wheel Nut:
It is also my belief that a vehicle without Adblue will eventually damage the pump & injector through running dry

Probably, which is why when the low level light comes on you could add a little CLEAN water from a CLEAN source, care must be taken not to allow any oil or solid contaminents to get into the ‘add blue’ tank. Youre essentially watering it down a little.


i’ve never injected anything into a cat, it was someone that looks like me.
blame toby. he sniffs cats.

i’ve never injected anything into a cat, it was someone that looks like me.

That’s right, I hear you weren’t even charged!! (just helping the RSPCA with their enquiries :unamused: )



Wheel Nut:
I do not believe that Adblue is Corrosive. (Certainly not classified as such)

Not corrosive, but does react over time with certain materials like aluminium.

Wheel Nut:
It is also my belief that a vehicle without Adblue will eventually damage the pump & injector through running dry

Probably, which is why when the low level light comes on you could add a little CLEAN water from a CLEAN source, care must be taken not to allow any oil or solid contaminents to get into the ‘add blue’ tank. Youre essentially watering it down a little.


How many people scatter corrosive material over their dinner and into the gravy pan

Wheel Nut:
How many people scatter corrosive material over their dinner and into the gravy pan

Not to mention acid all over their chips!!! (along with said corrosive)


When i posted this thread i wasn’t trying to take the ■■■■. I notice adblue is a 20% :open_mouth: aqueous solution of urea …CO(NH2)2 along with other stuff (nitrates, salt etc.) Urine is our main method of excreting nitrogenous waste. It has a high urea content (more if you are a carnivore). Ad blue is expensive and I find the idea of selling my urine appealing and environmentaly attractive. There may be compatability poblems relating to my nozzle size but I still think I’m on to a winner. I don’t think the industry is ready for my ideas about fifth wheel lubricant substitute.

So it’s true it really is pigs waste, so what’s the difference between ours and a pigs ?

Urea can also be manufactured synthetically. This was first done in 1828, and by complete accident, as the scientist involved was trying to make ammonium cyanate. In the process of adding ammonium chloride to silver cyanate, a crystal type substance formed. When analyzed, it was the chemical compound urea. In today’s processing, urea is made through a process of heating ammonium carbamate. The compound is placed in a sealed container and heated. The ammonium carbamate is a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide. This heating dehydrates the compound, and the crystals that form are urea.

Used as a fertilizer, urea can be artificially produced from ammonia. Manufacturers of urea combine ammonia (NH3) with compressed carbon dioxide (CO2). These ingredients feed into a reactor. Pressure and high temperatures applied to the CO2 and NH3 results in a combination of urea, extra ammonia (NH3) and ammonium carbamate (NH2■■■■■■■■

So it’s true it really is pigs waste, so what’s the difference between ours and a pigs ?

Where have you got that from! It isn’t anybody or anythings waste, Urea isn’t Urine. It has the chemical formula CO(NH2)2. Urea is used in many applications from Agriculture, Chemical, Medical , Automobile and even the Explosives Industries. You would need a hell of a lot of PIGS to cater for that lot. As far as trucks are concerned;
Urea is used in SNCR and SCR reactions to reduce the NOx pollutants in exhaust gases from combustion from diesel, dual fuel, and lean-burn natural gas engines. The BlueTec system, for example, injects water-based urea solution into the exhaust system. The ammonia produced by the hydrolysis of the urea reacts with the nitrogen oxide emissions and is converted into nitrogen and water within the catalytic converter. No more daft questions please!

It’s been synthetically formulated for a long time,but essentially it’s still a constituent of urine from whatever source.

Has anyone else noticed how heavy these adblue containers are in the early hours of Friday morning when you try to lob the ■■■■ laden beast out the window.