Thank you all for your various reactions
Thank you Fatboy Slimslow
I’m a British Ex-pat, 26 years in NL.
Just trying to spread what we’re doing here in the Land of Holl to the UK.
“Stronger Together!”
yes, maybe I am assuming too much of you. Most people I know do have a FaceBook account, it’s a great way to keep in touch with everybody - being away on the road all week.
It’s exactly the same as forums like this one - an exchange of ideas, opinions, information - just a bit more flexible and immediate. Not all kittens and videos of nuns falling over. You should try it. Don’t be afraid of new technology.
I think you may have missed a bit of the text further up there. The clue is in the title really “Action in Transport”
The whole point is that we’re sick and tired of the talking-shop of the past that has been the trademark of the union bosses. Bobo’s in suits sitting around quaffing champagne at lunches with other bobo’s in suits - at your expense. Not wanting to rock the boat too much because really they know when they’re on to a good thing.
ACTION - deeds, movement, protest. That’s what we’re about.
The Dutch movement has bypassed the impotent unions and they’re pretty pee’d off about it!
Through that “childish” Facebook group there have been two go-slow protests to date, another one this afternoon. Questions asked in Parliament and ideas put on the table in Brussels.
We’ve been going since February this year. We’re shaking things up - don’t just sit there being negative about things, get off your arse and DO something!
Exactly. As I said in my intro, sitting around in (virtual) transport cafès moaning about life will achieve absolutely nothing. Get up, get out and DO!
Do you not get it? It’s exactly those companies that need a good kick up the rear. This protest drive this afternoon will help to highlight exactly that problem - the unfair competition that has been allowed to creep in as a result of the EU relaxing of borders and cross-border employment. I myself have profited from that relaxing of regulations - an Englishman working for a Dutch company. I have Dutch friends who work for German companies, and there are plenty of English drivers working for French hauliers. The problem comes from when the economic playing field is so tilted to one side that the ball just rolls into the net. I know I’m ten times the driver that that Bulgarian on the train with me last night was, but he costs less than half what I do. I can’t compete with that, and Brussels needs to know that they’re so far up their own backsides that they can’t see it. We need to tell them.
That’s what this afternoon’s little drive-by is about. You can sit back and sneer, do nothing but whine, but it’s your livelihood that’s going down the drain, and that of your sons & daughters.
Little SplitPin
Thanks for the idea, good to see some positive thinking.
In NL we have a forum - like this one - next to the FB group. We find the dynamism of FaceBook works well. Some people are anti-FB whatever you say, and that’s a shame because its a great tool for communication.
The Action in Transport (UK) has only been in existence for a few days, our attempt to make this a European Solidarity thing, so early days yet.
If you care about your trade, if you’re proud to be a British Trucker and are not afraid to stand up and shout ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, sign up to the group, chip in with ideas, suggestions, your experiences, and let’s all try and make a difference. … 022719216/