Action for transport


Would british drivers support a european protest group which is tired of our industry being destroyed?
Here is the link to their facebook page

My personal opinion is that such an organisation is long overdue but wether it is possible now to make things better I don’t know.




Would british drivers support a european protest group which is tired of our industry being destroyed?
Here is the link to their facebook page

My personal opinion is that such an organisation is long overdue but wether it is possible now to make things better I don’t know.



. Why does this link take you to a page that request your Facebook log in details. When I’m already logged in to Facebook and the link should open up automatic :question:

Sorry I don’t know. It opens direct to the page for me.

Don’t ‘do’ Facebook and imho you are far too late, the ■■■■ has already happened, how can a ‘protest’ change anything now?
Waste of time…

Yoy are right it has already happened but do you think its going to stop here? at the end of this year the restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working here are going to be lifted. I work for myself so this won’t affect me as im already competeing with these countries but it will bring another cheap supply of drivers here for the agencies and larger companies to use. The guy I spoke to in Holland was right when he said the british drivers will just stand back and watch it seems.

Yoy are right it has already happened but do you think its going to stop here? at the end of this year the restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working here are going to be lifted. I work for myself so this won’t affect me as im already competeing with these countries but it will bring another cheap supply of drivers here for the agencies and larger companies to use. The guy I spoke to in Holland was right when he said the british drivers will just stand back and watch it seems.

Hang on, do YOU and the Guy you spoke to in Holland, REALLY think a few HGV Drivers are going to change whether or not the Job stealing Romanian and Bulgarians are going to be allowed to work in the UK, get a grip on reality for ■■■■ sake.
It’s not a case of CBA, it’s too ■■■■■■■ late to stop the rot…

Like I said it won’t affect me, I have a grip on reality. Im not trying to stop anything, just sharing the link for people to make their own minds up.
This isn’t aimed at you but more for drivers europe wide who do care. It is already up and running in over 6 countries.
Have a good weekend :slight_smile:

Graham, I think your answer is in some of the posts made here. You really didn’t expect anything else did you?

Lemmings rule okay!

UK drivers wouldnt even support causes in their own country, let alone support european ones, and at the end of the day, it would achieve nothing. Can you mention anything that has ever changed due to drivers working to rule, or striking, NO, thought not, accept things as they are, cos nothing is going to halt the tide of foreign nationals coming to the uk, or wherever, to work and change their lifestyles, it has always happened, and always will, just like Darwin, Cook, who travelled all those years ago to far flung places, and gave them a name, can you imagine the red Indians, saying We are going to strike,cos we dont want any explorers taking our jobs. :laughing:

It would be a nice thought though, if every driver, in every EU country, was to down tools, to show the Eurocrats, and our own governments, that they need to listen, BUT, it would need at least 95% of these nations to make a difference, and it just wont happen…sorry.

Hi Fred
This is exactly the response I expected.
Truckyboy, I can’t mention anything thats ever changed due to action by truck divers as i don’t recall anytime when uk drivers have taken action. I can however recall times when french farmers have achieved their aims by sticking together.
This action group is only 2 months old so I will watch them with interest, they deserve all the support they can get. Why do we shout people down in this country for trying?
I only want another 3 years in this industry so I don’t think much will change for me, I hope to have a completely dfferent business up and running by then, one that is alot more fun.
I bought my first truck 27 years ago and I was turning over almost the same earnings then as I am now.
We have to pay extortionate charges for overnight parking in this country because it has never been opposed, this is just one example. There are many things that need addressing here, personally I would like to see a fuel duty rebate for transport businesses.
I’m not suggesting we go out on strike but our industry is being hammered and it needs some kind of organisation to counter this. we have some interesting times coming and many UK drivers will be worse off with the changes that are going to come, there are few ways to reduce running costs, as expenses increase while rates stay fixed, the cuts will have to come from the drivers pockets, and it will happen.
All I will say is good luck to the guys and girls at Actie in de transport and I wish them all the best in this.



‘… Lemmings rule okay…!’

If you say so :neutral_face:

There’s another action we can all take, don’t vote for traitors, don’t vote for parties committed to permanent and further surrender to foreign rule with all that entails.

We as an electorate have the government and leaders we deserve, we can change things if we want to, or we can do the other thing and vote turkey like for Christmas yet again, if you vote LIbLabCon you vote for your own Christmas served up on a plate.

There’s another action we can all take, don’t vote for traitors, don’t vote for parties committed to permanent and further surrender to foreign rule with all that entails.

We as an electorate have the government and leaders we deserve, we can change things if we want to, or we can do the other thing and vote turkey like for Christmas yet again, if you vote LIbLabCon you vote for your own Christmas served up on a plate.

it wont matter who gets voted in. they will give themselves big wages ,big pensions,big expenses ,introduce more ways to tax our wages/earnings and promise us anything we want if we vote them in for anther term,knowing fine well it will never happen. i dont trust any of them.


There’s another action we can all take, don’t vote for traitors, don’t vote for parties committed to permanent and further surrender to foreign rule with all that entails.

We as an electorate have the government and leaders we deserve, we can change things if we want to, or we can do the other thing and vote turkey like for Christmas yet again, if you vote LIbLabCon you vote for your own Christmas served up on a plate.

it wont matter who gets voted in. they will give themselves big wages ,big pensions,big expenses ,introduce more ways to tax our wages/earnings and promise us anything we want if we vote them in for anther term,knowing fine well it will never happen. i dont trust any of them.

Agreed, but if we vote in someone committed to removing us from the EU, who then subsequently fails to deliver the goods they have no excuses seeing as they and only they are responsible, we’ll replace them.

To continue voting for proven crooks liars thieves scoundrels and traitors time after time, and then expecting them to behave differently/honourably next time, is the definition of lunacy.

There’s 650 of them, there’s 60 million of us, we don’t need them they need us.

Whilst we are defeated before we fight they simply carry on doing the same.

Already subscribed to it mate, my other half is a Cloggy and one of our friends added us


‘…There’s another action we can all take…’ etc,

‘…it wont matter who gets voted in…’

Defeatist, loser-talk, arguably trolling to suppress those of us unwilling to lazily capitulate to Big Brother :exclamation: