ace training

has anyone done there training at ace in sawbridgeworth ,would appreciate any feedback on them

They are in the list of member recommendations but that could be from some time ago

They use the same test centre as us in Chelmsford. I know all the trainers and they seem a good bunch of lads, except for Val, who of course is a lass.

They generally do 2 to 1 training so you’re out for the whole day. They seem to get their fair share of passes but i’m not sure if they offer assessment drives prior to booking a course, which is always a good idea.

If you’re looking for a trainer in that area I can really recommend the man who has posted above me.
I’m sure Ace are also very good but on Thursday I was outside the test centre and saw one of their students return at the end of a test to be told they had failed. The following morning I had my test and passed, obviously I don’t know anything really about the student or why he failed but on face value the results speak for themselves.
You pays your money and you makes your choices…