Accolade logistics Accy!

Above firm advertising on job ctr online Class 1&2. Anyone on here worked for them, any honest info appreciated! :smiley:

NO STAY AWAY, Try Gilbraiths or even Fagans

…or Gobshyte & Fagins? :unamused:

i take it the better package u were offered at the place u were at never materialised :open_mouth:

Has any of you worked there?

Or is it just truck stop talk?

…or Gobshyte & Fagins? :unamused:

Agreed but much better than Accolade

I’m guessing this is all about

“For your paid up umbrella membership, we’ll give you unlimited numbers of 6 hour shifts 50 miles away, and did you know we also do training?”

I’ve got a meeting at my kid’s school today. I fear for our northern brethren who might have their kids in the school playground say things like "My dad’s a rentboy" because they’re too ashamed to admit he drives trucks for a “living”… :frowning:

Daf Think of Accolade as the first job you do, it’s ok for a newbie to learn, but a driver who has been doing it a while would soon tell them to stuff it, but if you need a job go for it