Accidents at work

Who else has had an accident at work that has changed them physically or mentally?

Mine happened on the week running up to Xmas, I was delivering in Crawley and I had a trailer where the curtains had quite good runners so I undone the clips and thought if I pull it pretty hard most of the curtain will slide open instead of having to pull it bit by bit. Anyway as I pulled it, one of the metal hooks that goes under the trailer flung round and cracked me right in the tooth, my mouth must of been open because it didn’t hit me on the lip or anything just bang on my front tooth. It gave me a bit of a shock and it was just a sudden sharp pain then nothing.

I climbed back up the cab and looked in the mirror and sure enough the front half of my tooth was missing and left it looking like a Dracula fang. I’m so gutted as I’m lucky enough to have a very good set of teeth, I wore braces for over 3 years in my teens to sort them out and they were pretty much perfect untill now. I’ve got it capped now but have been told not to expect it to last long.

Some people look like their teeth were thrown in with a shovel. Count yourself lucky. :laughing:

your in luck farnbro boy cos i understand limeyphil is taking a weeks crash course in dentistry and opening up in business at poplar truckstop
next door to sweeny todd the barber, so problem solved :smiley:

My uncle broke his jaw when the wind caught the curtain pole he was holding :open_mouth:

Never had a accident myself had a close call with a roof support once but ive never hurt myself.

. I’ve got it capped now but have been told not to expect it to last long.

i had both my front teeth capped in 1990 and was told they would only last a couple of years but they are still there strong as ever.

Fell off a trl in 2001 broke my neck.sure did change my life from a happy healthy 56yrs old trucker to a quadrepliegic in a wheelchair but hey life goes on.Look out for yourselves lads and lasses stay safe.
regards dave.

your in luck farnbro boy cos i understand limeyphil is taking a weeks crash course in dentistry and opening up in business at poplar truckstop
next door to sweeny todd the barber, so problem solved :smiley:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Who else has had an accident at work that has changed them physically or mentally?

Mine happened in my Yoof.

In the days when I was young & devastatingly good looking with a quick mind & even quicker wit. I was tasked with accepting (i.e. unloading) the weekly delivery from HO.

Our offices & warehouse were situated on a quiet T junction on an industrial estate, only during rush hour when certain ■■■■■ wanted to save themselves 2mins would it become busy.

The truck was driven by the same bloke who’d come every week that I’d been there so he knew the score, he’d turn left & park up, when the time comes to unload him we’d stop the traffic & let him reverse over the road & into our yard.

Simple innit?

So he jumps into his cab (after the obligatory cuppa till the traffic dies down) while me & one of my colleagues stops the traffic each side of the main road from the T.

In the days long before H&S went mad, we were both wearing Hi-Viz, I glanced to my left to see that my colleague had stopped a van thereby creating his roadblock, I glanced to my right & non of the ■■■■■ that used the road as a so called short cut in rush hour were around, so we waved the driver backwards into our yard.

I distinctly remember noticing that his units wheels where about to ride onto the pavement & looking to my left for my colleagues confirmation of disapproval at this numpty’s manoeuvre, only to see absolute horror in his face, before I could make sense of this, the car travelling from my right hit me.

She was (allegedly) a nurse coming off night shift at the local A&E !

She drove down 200yds of straight clear road at a speed estimated at 40mph.

She drove straight into a 6’ man wearing serviceable Hi-Viz.

She offerred NO first aid at the scene of a serious injury.

Luckily she was driving a Leyland Metro (remember them) & me hitting the bonnet at 40mph threw me upwards more than forwards, as she didn’t apply her brakes at all this apparently saved my life, my colleague managed to jump out of the way.

30 something years later, I am still paranoid about standing on ANY live road, I’ll walk a thousand miles for a Zebra crossing, & I have a pathalogical HATRED of so-called nurses.

In my previous job I was working at the side of the road and I had to go to the back of my van for something. I was looking at something that I was carrying as I walked but when I did look back up I walked into a road side which knocked me out cold. I still have no idea how long I was out for as I was alone but when I did wake up from my little snooze I had blood all over my face and my shirt was soaked with the stuff and more was flowing.

After giving myself a spot of first aid, I jumped into the van and drove myself to the nearest A&E, about 25 miles, where I ended up with 4 stitches in my forehead. I have no idea how I managed to drive there safely and later realised how stupid I was to drive after being knocked out. On the plus side, I have a really cool scar. :laughing:

The thing I’m still trying to work out is, the road I was on is a very busy one and I’m laid down half on and half off the road yet not one car stopped to check if I was alive or not. Had I seen this I would have stopped to help.

Worst I’ve had was three stitches on my Thumb when working as a window fitter (jack of all trades me), a block of wood with a slither of glass in it dropped onto my thumb while putting the rubbish in the van, went through a vein and a ligament and resulted in 3mths physio!!

I’ve also had numerous bits and pieces picked out of my eyes while working as a welder/fabricator, not to mention arc eye! You’d think I’d learn bit sadly not!

Also been run over by best part of a ton of concrete flower “pot” on a pallet truck in a 7.5tonner on a slope but that was laughable, thank god I had steelies on though!

Fell off a trl in 2001 broke my neck.sure did change my life from a happy healthy 56yrs old trucker to a quadrepliegic in a wheelchair but hey life goes on.Look out for yourselves lads and lasses stay safe.
regards dave.

That puts a broken tooth into perspective!

your in luck farnbro boy cos i understand limeyphil is taking a weeks crash course in dentistry and opening up in business at poplar truckstop
next door to sweeny todd the barber, so problem solved :smiley:

:laughing: yeah I did see his thread, works out well as I need my barnet cut aswell :grimacing:

Some serious accidents that people have had, a broken tooth doesn’t compare to what can happen.
Also what the hell is a leyland metro? Can’t say I’ve ever come across one before :confused: :blush:


Oh yeah I have seen those things before. Bit before my time though I think.