Accident Insurance Checks

Just been mooching around on the net and found this site that’s useful if you get into an accident.

Previously used to see if a car is insured but now it gives you the insurance company and telephone number for them.

Just been mooching around on the net and found this site that’s useful if you get into an accident.

Previously used to see if a car is insured but now it gives you the insurance company and telephone number for them.

JUst checked mine and it give no insurer info. You do realise anyway that you can only check your own vehicle with this, at least with a standard free check thats the case.

JUst checked mine and it give no insurer info. You do realise anyway that you can only check your own vehicle with this, at least with a standard free check thats the case.

Did you use the mobile site or the desktop site? On the mobile site you enter your details and the TP details. On the desktop site there is a link just below the section to check your own car.

But yes you are only supposed to check your own vehicle or those you have been involved in a collision with.


JUst checked mine and it give no insurer info. You do realise anyway that you can only check your own vehicle with this, at least with a standard free check thats the case.

Did you use the mobile site or the desktop site? On the mobile site you enter your details and the TP details. On the desktop site there is a link just below the section to check your own car.

You could for instance find out who the insurer is and their phone number for the car Chris Bees drove into on the other thread.

But yes you are only supposed to check your own vehicle or those you have been involved in a collision with.

OK, i used the desktop site. I never seen the bit you mentioned. I’ll check that again tomorrow. Its probably not something they make easy for you to see.(Saying that when i look again it’ll probably be massive!!! ) :smiley:

It’s just below the link to check your own car but it doesn’t look like a link you can click.

Apologies, I’ve just tried that and it tries to charge you a fee as you said. On the mobile version site it’s free.