Accessing a weight restricted road


What’s the difference,if any, between"except for access"and “except for loading” on the qualifying plates? Does “except for loading” include unloading? :confused:
Earlier this year,we were tipping at a packing plant on Great Drove in Yaxley and every road around it is covered by a 7.5t limit except for loading. :unamused:

As I understand, “Access” could allow the driver into the area to use local facilities ie shop, cafe etc but “Loading/unloading” only allows access in connection with making a delivery. I don’t get the ones that say “except for loading by (then show a picture of a lorry)”. Lorry loading something else, or lorry loading but not to unload?

I am going to the shop to load sandwiches :laughing:

Wheel Nut:
Here you are then, the bloody scousers have probably nicked all the ally plates.

Cheeky bugger,

I did collections from Quill International up by a place near you called Wilson, yesterday and today and never nicked even one sign :wink:



Wheel Nut:
Here you are then, the bloody scousers have probably nicked all the ally plates.

Cheeky bugger,

I did collections from Quill International up by a place near you called Wilson, yesterday and today and never nicked even one sign :wink:


Ooh, that is from the bosses house, the main yard is on Melbourne Industrial Estate. Don’t worry it is well signed from Wilson

This is exactly the problem with weight limit signs. How the hell do I know if where I’m going is within the weight limit area? Does the law actually expect me to circle a whole village or town to see if I have a legal way in?

The truth is that in most cases weight limits are about a bunch of nimbies or town councilors that simply don’t want juggernauts down their road :unamused:.

My rule is that if I’m within a mile or so of my destination I will go through a weight limit except for access and if I’m wrong sod em :imp: . I think it would stand up in court to say there are no proper routes marked to your destination so what were you supposed to do.

For example I went through a 7.5 except for loading weight limit today, to get to my next load I had to go back through it, I saw no signs so had to assume that my destintion was within the loading limit.

With "man made global warming :unamused: " you’d think our Govt would realise that making trucks with 9 mpg go the long way round was just bloody stupid.

schrodingers cat:
Does the law actually expect me to circle a whole village or town to see if I have a legal way in?

In a word…yes !

Note no information telling the public about “except for access”…I found that trying to find if a road I’ve got to use tomorrow has a weak bridge on it. :confused:
Ah, just found it … -and-areas

If you’re from that neck of the wood, trying getting to the John Radcliffe hospital without a restriction.
Huge signs for the hospital on the A40 southbound for it, then a restriction on the B4150 or carry onto the A420 London road for another one. I’m with schrodingers cat on this. Here’s a clear example where it is actually impossible to get to a place without going through a restriction. Complete madness.
How is anyone expected to know.

The law is an ■■■.

schrodingers cat:
With "man made global warming :unamused: " you’d think our Govt would realise that making trucks with 9 mpg go the long way round was just bloody stupid.

Mu thoughts about a lot of things, including speed cameras on down hills in 50 zones, traffic lights that turn red as you approach them at 4am, and other such ■■■■■■■■ caused by ■■■■■■■ numpties in offices :smiling_imp:

Oh, I’ve had a beer or 2 :smiley:

I noticed the weight limit on the bridge at Bidford on Avon is 10ton mgw. Underneath is an exemption that reads EXCEPT FOR BUSES WEIGHING 13.5 TONS mgw. Bit of a contradiction?

Just to reduce the amount of heavy traffic, which will prolong the life of the bridge.

There’s one by me with a <7.5 in one direction and nothing in the other. Although to prolong that stereotype it’s also in Liverpool so it may well have been designed with two.