Today i collected a new 23t/m ACB crane made in Hong Kong and i will be fitting it next week,i have only heard good reports about these cranes has anyone used one or worked on them any bad points? it looks really well made.

will you be fitting it to that daf?
best get some pics stuck on so we can have a look

A bit late to be asking that sort of question now you’ve bought the thing, Dan?

I will put some pics on before and after when its all done ,got moose mig welding at the mo.


Dan what do you reckon to ACB’s aftersales service? only asking as i might be going to them for the hiab on my training motor as so far they have been the cheapest to supply and fit a used 10t/m crane ,
the only thing thats putting me off was the lack of service they gave for the crane k transport had off them when i worked there but that was about 3 years ago

Can really say yet as I am painting at the mo ,crane on the yard still,we used ken west for problems we couldn’t do but he has finished now which is why we bought new .

I think Ken West should get back in the game, he’s a lot better than the muppets we use now.

Yes ,when ken comes out we spend longer drinking tea than the job in question.

Yeah I know what you mean pal, always green tea :slight_smile:

More pics to come soon but this crane is for a xf95 super space rear lift together with the new body I’ve moved the fuel tank back and the drawbar coupling and underun bar ,battery’s ,i am fitting a euro 4 exhaust ,having the ally wheels skimed and polished ,ally tank polished up ,new mich and Hancook tyres ,cab finished pink top middle and bottom stainless bars ,2tool boxes and a sheet rack.hopefully my hard work will be appreciated .

Just what percentage increase in rates are you anticipating due to your hard work and investment, Dan?

Appreciated by my brother,it’s just another to joint exiting fleet rof.

Mmmmm, new stuff!

cheap Chinese crap. best of luck. :frowning: :open_mouth:

cheap Chinese crap. best of luck. :frowning: :open_mouth:

what he said we have got a 53 tm version and by the stuff I have heard off the jungle drums its forever busting pipes and throws a hissy fit if its not spot on level and has all the legs out :unamused:

oh and andy

acb can be a bit hit and miss from what I’ve seen/heard will make enquiries and get back to you :wink:
