Quick question for all those drivers out there. Has anyone been caught speeding by the new a9 specs cameras between Dunblane and Perth? Asking as I have noticed a lot of drivers whizzing past me when I am sitting at 50, seems a lot of them stiil want to sit on limiter.
seems a lot of them stiil want to sit on limiter.
Nothing wrong with sitting on the limiter:!:
Are they whizzing by you on the single carriageway sections, or the dual? The DCs aren’t covered by the cameras, only the SC sections are. The cops do like to hang around near the DCs though… and it does seem like many try to make up for ‘lost’ time on the DCs.
Me? 82kms on cruise the whole way… i’m paid hourly
Between Dunblane and Perth its all dual,I would keep it at 50 just in case.The speed limit hasnt changed for dual sections of the road, but they are allowing C and C+E to travel at fifty on single carriageway sections of the A9,the change in the law does not affect any other road as yet.
They are sitting on limiter on the dcs but dunblane to Perth is all dc.
Under ACPO guidelines the criteria for issuing ticket is 10% + 2mph, so you would have to be doing 57mph in a 50mph zone before being caught.
Ha, so it is… didn’t read the Dunblane to Perth bit. Aye, keep it at 50 there. Guidelines might well be 57 for a ticket, but it’s VERY easy to overspeed on the downhill sections, particularly if you’re already on the limiter. Southbound, there’s a pair of cameras covering that steep downhill… where the camera van used to sit in the lay-by at the bottom of it.
Sneaky buggers
It’s been 15 working days now since I went to Inverness !
Under ACPO guidelines the criteria for issuing ticket is 10% + 2mph, so you would have to be doing 57mph in a 50mph zone before being caught.
Just be careful with that lads last year was working for a recovery firm which had massive police contract and asked one of the better traffic police lads who said its total bs and you can still get easily done. Must add he didnt do it be knew ones that did quite regulaly .
Under ACPO guidelines the criteria for issuing ticket is 10% + 2mph, so you would have to be doing 57mph in a 50mph zone before being caught.
Guidelines are not law. They can enforce lower speeds. 51 in a 50 is still speeding.
In the times of austerity they are looking for funds. They sell speed awareness courses and get a kick back from the provider, quite a few forces have lowered enforcement thresholds to sell more courses, Scotland police do not offer courses yet but it’s only a matter of time.
just thinking when the new speed limit for single carriageways comes in april the old bill are not going to be happy cos they wont be able to nick you for speeding[unless you go over 50mph of course]
Under ACPO guidelines the criteria for issuing ticket is 10% + 2mph, so you would have to be doing 57mph in a 50mph zone before being caught.Guidelines are not law. They can enforce lower speeds. 51 in a 50 is still speeding.
In the times of austerity they are looking for funds. They sell speed awareness courses and get a kick back from the provider, quite a few forces have lowered enforcement thresholds to sell more courses, Scotland police do not offer courses yet but it’s only a matter of time.
They can issue the fine etc at any point over the limit, but if you appeal and are under the 10% +2 or 10mph they drop it.
Problem is vast majority of bellends never appeal there driving offences.
Its the same with vosa fines, unstrapped “unsecure” loads, it isnt unsecured until it hits the deck.
There are lots of things u can get away with, and enough information out there to help stop you being raped by the establishment
Don’t talk wet.
You can not appeal a speeding fine. You can only argue it out in court. Let me know if that happens a d I will provide the popcorn.
I’d imagine they are set at the ACPO guidelines, can talk about police having discretion to do you at 1mph over the speed limit but really they are under instructions from their boss local chief for their area what kinda tolerance they want to allow and on what roads. Trafpol told by their boss to go out onto the motorway get people doing over 80mph and come back with 20 tickets for people doing 71mph think the crap is gonna hit the fan espec if they all want to go to court argue about calibration and how its unfair etc…
With permanent SPECS camera will be agreed between the police and the people setting them up, setting them bellow the ACPO guidelines going to end up with a load of people going to court arguing about it, an annoyed court officials having to deal with a load slight infractions over the speed limit instead of clear cut offenses.
They can issue the fine etc at any point over the limit, but if you appeal and are under the 10% +2 or 10mph they drop it.Problem is vast majority of bellends never appeal there driving offences.
Its the same with vosa fines, unstrapped “unsecure” loads, it isnt unsecured until it hits the deck.
There are lots of things u can get away with, and enough information out there to help stop you being raped by the establishment
More RDC waiting room BS from a member of the ‘everyone’s against me’ brigade.
If you get caught by a Gatso or average speed scamera set then just bend over,there is no defence that will stand up in court for an ordinary citizen.If you are a celebrity you could plead that your charidee work would be affected with the loss of your driving licence.
They can issue the fine etc at any point over the limit, but if you appeal and are under the 10% +2 or 10mph they drop it.
Absolute ■■■■■■■■ mate Who told you that?
10% + 2 is nothing but a guideline, it has no basis in law. A copper/scamera is well within it’s rights to do you for +1mph over. Your driving a vehicle with a calibrated tachograph, if needs be they will use your tacho data against you.
just thinking when the new speed limit for single carriageways comes in april the old bill are not going to be happy cos they wont be able to nick you for speeding[unless you go over 50mph of course]
They won’t give a toss mate, there will still be plenty business for them from all the dicks that sit on the limiter all day regardless of conditions.
Under ACPO guidelines the criteria for issuing ticket is 10% + 2mph, so you would have to be doing 57mph in a 50mph zone before being caught.
that’s for motorists driving little cars
Well I was flat out up a9 all last year, and flat out through them down m6. also when they were set to 50 at Dunfermline m90/a92 a while back. Clearly they don’t bother you under the 10% +2.
No RDC ■■■■■■■■. I don’t take cameras at there limit not in car or truck never had speeding offence since I got my B 9 year ago.
Also 90% of these speedos over read, as they arnt allowed to under read but over read by a few mph