A9 Average speed cams

I notice in the transport news the article about the time trials Perth to Inverness ,as many of you will know the trial for Hgvs to do 50 has been on since October 28th ,I’ve noticed most doing 50 although I’ve seen some at 55 plus ,can these cameras or the system now know the difference between vehicles as I’ve always though the average camera was set up for the max limit on the road that being the national limit of 60 for cars .

They know the difference between vehicle types, the info was on a9limits.info

The thing they do not tell you is the enforcement threshold which is discretionary. The ACPO Guidelines are just that, Guidelines.

Since they work by reading the number plates they know what type of vehicle it is and what the relevant speed limit is.

What the authorities aren’t going to tell you is what the enforcement thresholds are. They might be at the ACPO suggestion of 10% +2 mph, Eg you get prosecuted for doing 57 or above in a 50, but then again they might not, and they could for example be set to enforce at 55.

The other thing to bear in mind is that not all the cameras are active at once. There are a certain number of the actual computer units which are moved regularly between the roadside cabinets at the cameras.
So saying that you drove , say, Slochd to Aviemore at a constant 56 two weeks ago and haven’t got an NIP, doesn’t mean it is safe to do 56 all the way as those cameras might not have been live that day.

Also, north of Perth the SPECS only enforce the single carriageway sections, the duals here aren’t average speed checked (although they seem to be building grasscrete laybys for the camera vans to park on these bits).

Thanks for the replys .

Whatever but the ASCs are a pain in the arse on the A9 when you’ve been away from home for a month or so and on a promise when you do get home …

I find it amusing watching all the van drivers running down there at 60mph thinking they are keeping to the limit, i bet most of them dont realise its also 50 for a van

I have drven that road in a bus and found that car drivers hold things up,they dont have the sense to realize that they are not affected by the new rules.

Your right there, seen quite a few actually braking as they approached the overhead camera