A75 closed at dumfries..anyone know why?

normally I don’t care,or usually find out. last night I left knowsly ind est at 5…flat to the mat all the way to the boat,not a hiccup the entire way…then east side of dumfeies bypass,closed,and divert to dalbeattie…I still got to stranraer nicely for just after 9,but only due to me trying to keep up with the antrim spudman shaking the bushes for me…I take my hat off to you sir if your on here…i was doing 64 just to keep you in sight all the way from cd to the boat.though to be fair,once I overtook you at newton stuart roundabout,you were left for dead. :slight_smile: i went to the chinkys,and got put on the bottom deck,so I never saw the driver,but its always nice to catch up with someone with as much complete disregard for speed limits as myself…so was it a terrible horrible killer A75 strikes again accident,or were they changing a lamppost or something?? :confused:

I pulled into Stanraer about 08:15 this morning after a long trek from Peterborough.

Saw a couple of gantry signs saying it was closed, fairly sure one of them said resurfacing but it was open all the way for me. Must have turned off the M6 and started using it around 5:30-6am time so maybe I got there just as overnight works finished?

Fantastic scenery though. Never been over this way, usually just the main cities and towns in Scotland like Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh etc.

But with the frost and driving in darkness and all through the sun rise it was a spectacular site. Made a change from bags of rubbish on the side of the m1 anyway!

resurfacing the ‘Glen’ section.

Thankfully I rarely go west of Dumfries and then its on a bike :laughing:

but its always nice to catch up with someone with as much complete disregard for speed limits as myself…

I came down the 75 this afternoon about 2pm and caught the back of a mile long snake doing 40 mph near Annan, after a couple of miles i think the Asda driver at the front had been harassed so much he thought he was going to be ran off the road so he pulled into a layby and everyone went past, i was sat at 56 and the 10 or so trucks in front of me were completely out of sight within 5 minutes :open_mouth: :laughing:


but its always nice to catch up with someone with as much complete disregard for speed limits as myself…

I came down the 75 this afternoon about 2pm and caught the back of a mile long snake doing 40 mph near Annan, after a couple of miles i think the Asda driver at the front had been harassed so much he thought he was going to be ran off the road so he pulled into a layby and everyone went past, i was sat at 56 and the 10 or so trucks in front of me were completely out of sight within 5 minutes :open_mouth: :laughing:

isn’t it nice to know that theres some fellow hooligans left . your doomed if you do,and if you don’t on the 75,so you might as well be flatout as youl get done just the same for 46 as 66. :slight_smile: