A74 carlisle& gretna

it’s been reported that it was a father and his 12 year old son that sadly lost their lives in the fatal crash this morning and where from the manchester area.

full update here


may i be the 1st to send my heart felt sympathies to their loved ones especially at this time of year :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

RIP :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Deepest sympathy for all concerned

Words cannot describe how I felt when I heard it was Father & Son.

I have taken my own son with me and could imagine the joys between them both before it happened.

Such bonding ending in tragedy.

ditto everything said above. what a tragedy especially this time of year.
makes me think the bosses are correct when saying no passengers. i wont be moaning again if any future boss tells me no passengers…

i left the truckstop at carlisle half an hour before this happened, there was a father and son(i assume) in there the night before. the upsetting thing is i along with many others on here used to go with dad whenever i could. condolences to the remaining family :cry: :cry:

My Boy was with me this week, and like many lads he absolutly loves being on the truck. But it made my blood run cold when later in the day it was reported that it was a father and son that had died in this accident. And then on Radio 5 the following morning the phone in debate was “why do our roads grind to a halt at the drop of a hat” or words to that effect. I couldnt beleave how insensitive they were being, although a few people did point out that a mother had lost a son and husband, and i’am glad that that veiw was aired.

My heart felt sympathy goes out to the family of this boy and his father.


Condolences to the family, especially the poor Mother and Wife.
What a horrible time of year for this accident to happen aswell.

Condolences to the Family, at any time of year :cry:

Just to hijack kk’s post for a few minutes,

What happened on the Clive Sullivan / Brighton Street on Friday?

A tradgety like this at any time is bad but at this time of year--------------------

Christmas will never be the same for the family

We know, our festivities end 2 Jan each year.

Our thoughts are with this family

Another sad and tragic loss…especially at this time of the year…and my condolences are with the families concerned, how many of us have taken our children away with us, when my kids were youg i have taken them as far as turkey as well as trips across europe and thank god that we are all here to tell the tale…for no matter how careful a driver we are…there is always one idiot or circumstance that can end our lives…years ago i was booked on the Spirit of Free Enterprise…a ferry from Calais to Dover…a fellow company driver asked if he could take my place as he had his son with him and he had to get back to school…i obliged…and the ferry capsized before it got outside of the harbour…luckily.they escaped…only just …for there were no cabins available and they decided to sleep in the truck for the 4&1/2 hour journey to dover…but when the crew started banging the rams that close the doors (they were left open to clear the car decks of fumes) they then decided to go back upstairs…and as they reached the top…it flipped over…just goes to show how easy it is to end ones life…and a lesson to be learned by all…we all use to witness the ferries sailing with the doors open…a normal practice in those days…but thank god it doesnt happen now…and all doors are locked to the car decks…so someone took notice…its a great pity more people dont listen to the people who are out on the roads everyday of their lives…the front line…and maybe we can prevent tragedies like this happening again where a father and son have lost their lives then maybe it wouldnt have been in vane…god rest them.

:frowning: I’ve just found out the two people involved in this accident where my next door neighbours Tim ( the driver) his son Bryan, I have just seen the rest of his family for the first time since it happened and obviously they are quite upset.

It feels very weird to know of someone who has died tragically like this!

JB earlier on in this post you mentioned seeing a Father and Son combo in the services this may well have been them?? He would have been driving a rigid and was easily reconisable as he had a full beard? does this sound like the people you saw?

I don’t know what else to say I’m quite shocked now espcially as he was one of the people I really wanted to tell about passing my test as he helped me a lot with my thoery stuff.

Sorry Dan, that is very bad news to bear :frowning:

It certainly must be difficult to come to terms with that kind of news, especially when you are feeling so pleased about your recent pass!

It might be a good reminder for you in future, Be careful out there, just a momentary lapse can be tragic.

Pass mine and probably others deepest sympathy to your neighbours family. :cry:

I remember many years ago on the school bus, we got diverted in very dense fog because of a fatal collision between two lorries. The dead driver was my mates father :cry:

the dad and lad i saw were inside having a meal dan, i dont think he had a beard though. i`m kinda lost for words dan other than to echo what malc said, be careful. :cry: :cry:

please pass on my sympathies to your neighbours.it must be hard for you knowing the family and not knowing wot to say.all you can do is be sympathetic towards them and listen to them.

well done on passing your test,you can tell your friend that you passed your test in a prayer for him and the son. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Super Dan:
:frowning: I’ve just found out the two people involved in this accident where my next door neighbours Tim ( the driver) his son Bryan, I have just seen the rest of his family for the first time since it happened and obviously they are quite upset.

It feels very weird to know of someone who has died tragically like this!

JB earlier on in this post you mentioned seeing a Father and Son combo in the services this may well have been them?? He would have been driving a rigid and was easily reconisable as he had a full beard? does this sound like the people you saw?

I don’t know what else to say I’m quite shocked now espcially as he was one of the people I really wanted to tell about passing my test as he helped me a lot with my thoery stuff.

From my experience when my friends baby died is to be there for them don’t ignore them because you don’t know what to say (I doubt anybody ever knows what to say in these situations).
It goes without saying they will be going through hell, sometimes they might want a bit of personal time, but they also will feel isolated and having somebody that just says hello can make them feel they are not alone.