A66 Appleby Fair

Is this route going to be a pita on Monday or is it going to be clear as they will already be there ?
Anyone gone past recently ?
Going to Alloa on Monday and don’t need any delays as its tight as it is

Is this route going to be a pita on Monday or is it going to be clear as they will already be there ?
Anyone gone past recently ?
Going to Alloa on Monday and don’t need any delays as its tight as it is

no travellers allowed into appelby till thursday when the fair begins so shudnt be many travelling over the weekend

There is a lot of police no parking signs all over where they normally set up camp so hopefully shoudnt be to bad am doing a Leeds and back Monday so I’m the same don’t want held up either.

There is a lot of police no parking signs all over where they normally set up camp

Which, given that most of the caravan using nomadic types are, or claim to be, illiterate, will have about as much effect as a chalk mark on a tyre wall. :wink:

gnasty gnome:

There is a lot of police no parking signs all over where they normally set up camp

Which, given that most of the caravan using nomadic types are, or claim to be, illiterate, will have about as much effect as a chalk mark on a tyre wall. :wink:

Haha this is very true

Theres a lot parked onthe outskirts of the town now :confused: waitink to move in as there is trotting on monday and a lot come for that.but as said the hillis not open till thursday.the worst days for thehorse drawn caravans will be from monday night onwards till fhu then sunday heading the other way.
Klunk(Appleby resident) :smiling_imp:

I should be going over at about 1000 Monday so hoefully most of them will still be sleeping still
thanks for info if its bad i’ll post it during my 45 break so others know

I`m due over to Kendel on Weds morning, then across to Lazenby for my 2nd drop. So it looks like it could be slightly chaotic around the A66 when I run up from doncaster

I`m due over to Kendel on Weds morning, then across to Lazenby for my 2nd drop. So it looks like it could be slightly chaotic around the A66 when I run up from doncaster

Where in Lazenby you going… theres nothing here to deliver too now Charlie Turners has gone bust :slight_smile: but let me know, On Wednesday I should be in the club playing Snooker but your more than welcome to drop in and have a J20 bought for you

Clickety Click Route A66 could be busy all this week Take care one & all

Do all the pubs and shops close whilst it’s on like they do at Stow on the Wold? Some human rights person once tried the race card against the local businesses for shutting but to my knowledge nothing happened.

Hi Muckaway, some do some don’t, there are good & bad in all, I know more thieving truck driver’s than gypsies, I have caught them nicking ropes, sheets, mirrors, batteries & goods off the back of the wagon, the last straw was when one i had lent £30 one weekend, got in to my truck & took passport,money, license,cheque book in fact he took everything clothes & EEC book.
i have seen him once on the M1 along time ago now, but it’s a small world & one day we might be going in the same direction

coca cola kid:
Clickety Click Route A66 could be busy all this week Take care one & all

Is that “mucksters” Bow top at the fron’t by any chance? Anon1.

Theres a lot parked onthe outskirts of the town now :confused: waitink to move in as there is trotting on monday and a lot come for that.but as said the hillis not open till thursday.the worst days for thehorse drawn caravans will be from monday night onwards till fhu then sunday heading the other way.
Klunk(Appleby resident) :smiling_imp:

blimey not your fave time of year then.

I wonder what the odds on the Chapel St recycling bins being emptied in the next fortnight are. :smiley:

I`m due over to Kendel on Weds morning, then across to Lazenby for my 2nd drop. So it looks like it could be slightly chaotic around the A66 when I run up from doncaster

there be nowt in kendal I can tell you that
but penrith is where they hang out (gypo site there as well) on fair week
so there may be a few in lazenby

Where in Lazenby you going…

its my 2nd drop…I`m off to “Bells of Lazonby” Edenholme Bakery delivering flour for Rank hovis
The 1st drop is Halls (kendal) Ltd on the Kendal business park Appleby road then run back to doncaster the same day

Just flew across the 66 all the ■■■■■■ are still fast asleep. Coming back across there later today may just park up at Penrith as my both my diesel tank are full. Not that I’am saying our traveling community are not law abiding citizens :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

came across about dinner time,there were delays west bound,but east bound was clear

I heard about the westbound queues, somewhere around 7 miles, it sounds like plan B may be required to get to Kendal on weds, going via the M6 north and coming back via the A66