A5 hinckley bridge pics

Has anyone got any pics of the lorry which hit the bridge yesterday,
As we need one to hang in office to remind the dumbwit driver lol.

Must happen atleast once a month :unamused: What time did it happen yesterday? As it was still closed at 6am this morning?

i live in hinckley and when the a5 bridge gets hit in the day, hinckley gets stuffed.
Last night (or early hours 1 am) as i came home over Nutts Lane few trucks had to turn round at industrial estate due to another low (15ft) bridge then back over humped back bridge which catches your landing legs :blush:

Has anyone got any pics of the lorry which hit the bridge yesterday,
As we need one to hang in office to remind the dumbwit driver lol.

Theres am old saying There but for the grace of god go i ■■■■ happens to EVERYONE

Has anyone got any pics of the lorry which hit the bridge yesterday,
As we need one to hang in office to remind the dumbwit driver lol.

did he not see the BIG FLASHING over height signs that he set off??

are the height markers working


Has anyone got any pics of the lorry which hit the bridge yesterday,
As we need one to hang in office to remind the dumbwit driver lol.

did he not see the BIG FLASHING over height signs that he set off??

that would depend which way he came from Andy

north or south on the A5 would have set them off, but if the driver came off the A47, that one has not worked for years, it has been covered over for at least 5 years now

is that the one near the petrol station? God how many warning signs and roundabout do you go over before the bridge. At least 2! The top of the bridge does look battered.

what amazes me is that i have seen 3 Argos double deckers (well they used to be) in last 2 years in either garage or waste place other side.
surely they are told not to take that route with DD?

Im now being told it was crash that closed it last night, between a truck & car? :confused:

what amazes me is that i have seen 3 Argos double deckers (well they used to be) in last 2 years in either garage or waste place other side.
surely they are told not to take that route with DD?

the 12ft 3 or as one sign says 12ft 6 bridge at crick springs to mind. Bet stobarts tesco have lost some double decks under there!

Im now being told it was crash that closed it last night, between a truck & car? :confused:


that’s interesting, on the radio this morning, it said that it was an accident involving one vehicle :confused:

jungle drums working well i see :laughing: :laughing:

googled accident no result

It’s signposted from all directions (not sure about from the A47 though) and if that one doesn’t get you the one on the A47 in Nuneaton will.


Im now being told it was crash that closed it last night, between a truck & car? :confused:


that’s interesting, on the radio this morning, it said that it was an accident involving one vehicle :confused:

Maybe it was, you know what rumours are like! :laughing: