A17 diesel thefts

I was awoken this morning around 2am by the lincs constabulary to warn me that another driver parked in the same layby had about 250litres of diesel siphoned from his tank during the night. The driver somehow woke up and saw them and called the police and they arrived promptly to thwart any further theft!

Thought I’d do the decent thing and make everyone aware that your fuel is no longer safe in laybys along the A17, the policeman told me they get at least one report a night of fuel being stolen and as much as they’re trying to catch the thriving b******* they can’t be everywhere at once! What he also told me to do was not get out of truck if my fuel was being stolen but dial 999 immediately!

Think this problem is gonna get worse as the price continues to increase!

My guess is it’s the same scum that nose in everybodys driveway and drive around in there red diesel run transits loaded up to the gunnels with scrap

anti siphon kits are ok for the cap but they just rip of the plastic where the pipes go in. there needs to be a device put around the pipes that makes i harder to get in thru there… also why not make an outer skin for the tanks that can hold smart water that squirts everywhere if the outer skin is compromised . maybe even something that mixes the diesel which renders it useless if leaked through the skin

anti siphon kits are ok for the cap but they just rip of the plastic where the pipes go in. there needs to be a device put around the pipes that makes i harder to get in thru there… also why not make an outer skin for the tanks that can hold smart water that squirts everywhere if the outer skin is compromised . maybe even something that mixes the diesel which renders it useless if leaked through the skin

The problem with smart water is that they’d have to actually collar the person responsible first - smart water doesn’t tell anyone where the criminals are actually hiding.

Police are full of crap, I use the A17 virtually every night at all times and rarely see a police vehicle at any hour, I can count on one hand how many in the last six months in fact.

Seems, there is not enough funds for them to tackle this problem head it on, only attend after the fact rather than provide a visual deterent or actively patrol.

i bet they are there with the speed camera more often than patrolling for diesel theft