A1 accident southbound 08/08/13

in the last 4 working days I have been stuck in accidents on this road (friday and today) both around the same area (M62 junction) there was also an accident on Saturday where a driver unfortunately lost his life. is there something wrong with the road design, general driving skills of today’s drivers or is it just as the title says “accidents”. I haven’t been driving for a living for long but it does appear to have it’s fair share of accidents.

in the last 4 working days I have been stuck in accidents on this road (friday and today) both around the same area (M62 junction) there was also an accident on Saturday where a driver unfortunately lost his life. is there something wrong with the road design, general driving skills of today’s drivers or is it just as the title says “accidents”. I haven’t been driving for a living for long but it does appear to have it’s fair share of accidents.

Reckon a lot of drivers are just accidents waiting to happen when you see the way they drive.I am surprised there are not more bad accidents.It is only luck that prevents more happening.
The roads are overcrowded with impatient drivers that all think they are the best drivers in the world!

If you take the a1 from the m62 down,north and south there’s a few garages,laybys,side roads that are a bit dodgy to pull out onto the a1,that garage just down from the m62 is a bad place to get out of,seen a lot of near misses ,as have on a lot of that stretch north and south.

Plus it’s all up and down hill. That’s a dangerous lay by on the brow of the hill southbound not far off Redhouse.

Plus it’s all up and down hill. That’s a dangerous lay by on the brow of the hill southbound not far off Redhouse.

Oh yeah that dangerous layby.The one that causes all the accidents.Sorry but with the layby on its own with no traffic there would be no accidents.
The layby might not be in the best place but it is down to impatient drivers,drivers ability to judge speed and distance and the ones that just do not care that are dangerous.
Why do drivers blame everthing else but themselves?

One thing that happens regulaly is a car comes flying passed 100 yards from a junction then cuts in front to pull off at the junction. Is an extra 10 seconds really gonna kill them? Their driving certainley will

It is only luck that prevents more happening.



Plus it’s all up and down hill. That’s a dangerous lay by on the brow of the hill southbound not far off Redhouse.

Oh yeah that dangerous layby.The one that causes all the accidents.Sorry but with the layby on its own with no traffic there would be no accidents.
The layby might not be in the best place but it is down to impatient drivers,drivers ability to judge speed and distance and the ones that just do not care that are dangerous.
Why do drivers blame everthing else but themselves?

Well it would be kind of hard for accidents to happen with no traffic on the road :unamused: :unamused: FFS.