A waste of white paper from Brussels


Is anyone surprised?

Brewery and ■■■■-up?

I know it’s an old article and all that, but why don’t we all stand still and let Brussels tell us that it is illegal to employ home-grown brits in their own country?

Thus, thus claiming benefits will end up being all brits that won’t get a job, because it’s no longer allowed by Brussels - just in time for the benefit cuts across the board…

Your next employer might well be a foreigner with a gestapo attitude towards you working there. :frowning:

I’ve got 'till 29/02/2016 to get my DCPC (code 95 over here.).

You know I always thought that the UK also had members of the european union who had a vote,silly me,BUT

What other country in the EU would elect pillocks such as the UKIP man who is so anti EU that he would vote for anything that penalises and ridicules the UK so that he can tell us all that “we” are not being fairly represented in the EU.

Its like voting for Guy Fawkes as your local bloody MP.

This countries stupidity never ceases to amaze does it.

A tax on drivers…nothing else…nothing more…you couldnt make it up…but somebody did !

Originally the common market, as it was known, was just about trading relations with each other member country.

Now 40 years on we are dictated to in every single aspect of our lives by the fat cats sat in their ivory towers in Brussels.

It way time we said enough is enough and get out and re-establish our own rules in our own parliament.

Roll on the referendum!

Originally the common market, as it was known, was just about trading relations with each other member country.

Now 40 years on we are dictated to in every single aspect of our lives by the fat cats sat in their ivory towers in Brussels.

It way time we said enough is enough and get out and re-establish our own rules in our own parliament.

Roll on the referendum!

You seriously think that politicians give a ■■■■ about you be they German,Dutch ,French or British?
Wake up and smell the coffee eh!

We (no matter who is in “charge”) are there to provide for our “betters”.The illuminati who not by intelligence or initiative but by the silver spoon and birth right really do believe that we are there to fight their wars,provide their status and be manipulated to keep them in power at what ever cost.