A.W Cleaver - Stanton Hardcourt

Hi all, first post on this site, so no laughing :smiley: :smiley:
I’ve been looking around at this local company named above and seen images on the internet and stuff. Seen a few of their rigid tipper Scanias in my hometown. Looks like pretty well maintained vehicles. I’ve looked on google maps on their location and been in street view, bit weird as I cant seem to see their yard, its labeled as that company but not actually physically there (stanton hardcourt this is)
Pay, hours the usual thing.
Oh and one more thing, class 1 tippers i’ve seen on the internet (like the one i attached) are they from Stanton Hardcourt or elsewhere.
Any extra info would be great :slight_smile:



Try Smiths Bletchington for a job, they have a driver leaving at Gill Mill by Christmas. :wink:

Use the search function on here. Not a lot of favourable comments from what I could find.

Hi Muckaway! Thanks for the reply, i was sort of leaning towards class 1, do you have any info what so ever about Cleaver? :slight_smile:

The main info’ is that they haven’t got enough lights. :wink:

I don’t know much about the class 1 side except they do a lot for Hansons and a bit for Smiths. Class 2s are mostly on for David Einig and are a mix of brand new Mercs/Volvos/Scanias and some secondhand Scanias. I drove for them for a bit, I moved there from Earthline and wages at Cleavers’ were £420/week. You got a daily meal allowance included in that (don’t know how legit that really is as the class 2s are day cabs and no nights out). What I will say is just before and just after leaving I had letters from HMRC querying bits and pieces (can’t recall what about but I did change jobs several times in a short time). Then I got another letter saying I owed the taxman a good few hundred quid.
The job itself I found was rush rush rush. Not down to them but the firm we were working for who thought it was okay to factor a load into your 10th driving hour, forgetting that you needed to get home. Not a problem to me anymore thankfully. :grimacing: