Where do you think this photo was taken
Switzerland? Austria? The Alpine regions of Italy or France?
Nope, these are Spanish buildings, in the Pyrenees (spelling?). OK, so the heading gives it away, but you can see where I’m coming from .
These photos are from two trips. One last year to North Portugal, returning via Madrid, the other a little while back this year to
This sign is common on the N1 northbound from Madrid,
And this is what you might see, looking the other way .
A bit further down the hill the view might open up to this.
These where taken on the way back from Madrid, looking north from,
That little castle thing just below and to the left of the 500m sign, is the entrance to the railway tunnel.
This is what the very top of the pass looked like two days before, as I was heading South.
And here is my truck, an hour or so earlier, parked up for a break.
I saw loads of these
heading South as I was heading north. Presumably on a rally of some sort.
Spain doesn’t seem to have truck stops, as such. But, almost any small town or village will have its hostel, with a large parking area. This is one of the ones that I used.
And its parking area.
You might see a few of these chaps on your trip through Spain too.
Thats a BIG Bull .
From Oporto in Portugal to Madrid, the route takes you over the infamous IP5. These pics don’t do it justice, the climb looks pretty gentle, it isn’t. Its Km after Km of 6 - 10%, and it goes on for ever. I took these from the parking area at the top.
I hope you like them.
I took them with a standard, single use camera from Boots. They where developed and copied onto CD at the same place. Most where taken by pointing the camera in what I hoped was the right direction and pressing the button, usualy at 90Kmh.