THE site is in more than one language and to

my knowledge a first,we do not have any thing like this

in germany, it is a well thought out site and yes there is

room for improvement,but for a begining it is very good,


Improvement would be the operative word…?

That’s quite good really at first glance. Will reserve proper judgement until I have had time to explore it a bit more.

Is it just me, or does the stick man look particularly camp?

Is it just me, or does the stick man look particularly camp?

Now that you mention it. He’s definitely rather camp.

The sit looks ok, but there’s a sense of work in progress about it, and it is very patronising. But then that’s the way it is on Blair’s Britain.

I predict that this page may create some controversy here

As a HGV driver your vehicle will be fitted with a speed limiter preventing you from driving any faster than 56 miles per hour (90 kph). Unfortunately, inconsiderate drivers can make the use of this device a real menace for other drivers.
If two trucks are passing, both operating their limiters, the entire manoeuvre can take approximately 4 and a half minutes. This may infuriate other road users and can lead to further congestion or even accidents.
Next time make sure you consider everyone on the road. Drop the cruise control when other truck drivers need to pass and be more responsive to the situation.

Patronising and with a degree in ‘Stating the bl***ing obvious’ … I hadn’t read this page when I posted the bit about speed.

So how do you steer clear of bridge strikes?
Experts agree that without doubt the best way to protect yourself against a bridge strike is to know the travelling height and width of your vehicle before you start your journey.

Fred, in reply to both your posts, I agree that they could be viewed as being patronising but I don’t think it is intentional. Backing off and letting a truck get past quickly is common sense in some situations and makes no difference to a journey time other than seconds and the reason it does not happen more often is bloody mindedness on the part of Drivers.

The second point about bridge strikes may seem obvious to you but sadly to some out there it is’nt and a timely reminder is always a good idea.

Fred, in reply to both your posts, I agree that they could be viewed as being patronising but I don’t think it is intentional. Backing off and letting a truck get past quickly is common sense in some situations and makes no difference to a journey time other than seconds and the reason it does not happen more often is bloody mindedness on the part of Drivers.


So you have never backed off to sensibly let another past, only to encourage the next one behind you to pass as well, even though previously you were both going the same speed - until you backed off? So what do you do now? Return to your original speed and cause an elephant race, or back off even further to let this one through? Then the one behind him, who was going even slower decides that now he must come past too :unamused: .
I would guess that you don’t do too many long journeys on motorways, this sort of pantomime can add considerably to a trip and might mean the difference between getting tipped today or tomorrow.
The patronising advice from the government is all the worse because speed limiters on trucks and different speed limits for everyone else do not contribute towards road safety. The legislation is anti truck and was brought in merely to pander to the majority of road users.


Fred, in reply to both your posts, I agree that they could be viewed as being patronising but I don’t think it is intentional. Backing off and letting a truck get past quickly is common sense in some situations and makes no difference to a journey time other than seconds and the reason it does not happen more often is bloody mindedness on the part of Drivers.


So you have never backed off to sensibly let another past, only to encourage the next one behind you to pass as well, even though previously you were both going the same speed - until you backed off? So what do you do now? Return to your original speed and cause an elephant race, or back off even further to let this one through? Then the one behind him, who was going even slower decides that now he must come past too :unamused: .
I would guess that you don’t do too many long journeys on motorways, this sort of pantomime can add considerably to a trip and might mean the difference between getting tipped today or tomorrow.
The patronising advice from the government is all the worse because speed limiters on trucks and different speed limits for everyone else do not contribute towards road safety. The legislation is anti truck and was brought in merely to pander to the majority of road users.

If I have another truck close enough behind to be a problem in this scenario then I would not back off and cause hime/her to change speed or become a problem to them…I would apply a thing called judgement based on the circumstances at the time. I actually do a lot of M/way driving in a truck and in my experience it does not cause me a problem by occaisionally backing off and behaving reasonably because i plan my journey properly and make sure I build in some sort of contingency to account for delays, etc, in modern traffic conditions anyone that does’nt is asking for trouble.

I dont have a problem with accepting advice I still have the choice whether to use it or not.

Having said all that you are entitled to your view as I am entitled to disgree with it.

So you have never backed off to sensibly let another past, only to encourage the next one behind you to pass as well, even though previously you were both going the same speed - until you backed off? So what do you do now? Return to your original speed and cause an elephant race, or back off even further to let this one through? Then the one behind him, who was going even slower decides that now he must come past too :unamused: .
I would guess that you don’t do too many long journeys on motorways, this sort of pantomime can add considerably to a trip and might mean the difference between getting tipped today or tomorrow.
The patronising advice from the government is all the worse because speed limiters on trucks and different speed limits for everyone else do not contribute towards road safety. The legislation is anti truck and was brought in merely to pander to the majority of road users.

I quite agree with you David.
Once you ease off to let one past,then another one comes out.By the time you’ve eased off to let even more past,you might as well stop.

In these days of traffic congestion,limiters are useless.

Is it just me, or does the stick man look particularly camp?

Not really,it’s Simon Templar aka The Saint,being trendy by wearing a baseball cap.

thanks KIETH i did not want to say that the sign

was donated by the erfinder,s estate, as i

would have had to show my pension book,


Is it just me, or does the stick man look particularly camp?

Not really,it’s Simon Templar aka The Saint,being trendy by wearing a baseball cap.

And next month they will have him in a hoodie. :wink: