Following on from the A59/Everton thread, which I thought is an inappropriate place for what follows,

I had 2 muppets in Keighley on Monday within 10 minutes, 1st muppet walks in front of truck whilst I’m creeping out into Station Road, only noticed him when he bounced of the o/s air kit, I had a RocketRon moment :blush: much to the amusement of the woman that let me out and the occupants of the Sprinter behind her. 2nd muppet was when I was turning left back into that jucntion, PC Pleb on his bicycle decides to come up the inside of me just as I start to turn, I had seen him btw, so I let loose thru the passenger window, asking if my indicators were working and if so why the hell did he ignore them, he replies that I was stationary, so what the hell did you think I was gonna do when the traffic in front moved I says. PC Pleb then cycles round corner on pavement, and decides to come off pavement just as I draw level :open_mouth: unfrackingbelievable.

Mate, your either too keen to get on, or clearly not paying enough attention around you. You clearly state 1st muppet walked INFRONT of your vehicle and you didnt see him? how is that their fault?
2nd muppet, traveled inside while you were stationary, then you nearly collect him, because you wrongly thought you were in the right.

1st muppet had every right to cross, afterall you should have been at a stop if the road ahead was not clear, 2nd muppet, why not just wait and extra 3 seconds and then move off. Remember you are supposed to a professional, you have to think for these muppets, they do the strangest things.

Few blasts of the two tone train horn soon sorts that out :laughing: :laughing:

Mate, your either too keen to get on, or clearly not paying enough attention around you. You clearly state 1st muppet walked INFRONT of your vehicle and you didnt see him? how is that their fault?
2nd muppet, traveled inside while you were stationary, then you nearly collect him, because you wrongly thought you were in the right.

1st muppet had every right to cross, afterall you should have been at a stop if the road ahead was not clear, 2nd muppet, why not just wait and extra 3 seconds and then move off. Remember you are supposed to a professional, you have to think for these muppets, they do the strangest things.


Although there is no law to stop cyclists coming up the inside, it is down to you as a professional driver to be observant (even when stationary) to avoid incidents that could have occurred in both scenarios

Isn’t it the law that if a pedestrian steps off the pavement into the road they have right of way? Either way a good reason to check your mirrors before moving off right? I thought that was one of those important things to do with driveing these massive behemoth artics :slight_smile: :smiley:

Sorry maybe I didn’t make myself clear, whilst I’m creeping out into the junction, well past the give way lines, hence moving after I’ve done my mirror checks (and lots of I might add), he walked into the middle of the lane I was moving across.

Second one, was anticipated, however I had actually started move & turn as he started up the inside, the point I was trying to make is that it was a copper, who frankly knows better.

I do check all my mirrors and I’m never in that much of a rush, I’ve lost count of the amount of times I would’ve been doing paperwork had I not checked, as I’m sure most of you have. It just seemed strange to have 2 at the same junction within a few minutes, and certainly with the first, common sense and all normal reasoning seemed to be completely absent from that guy.

Still don’t understand the rant mate, you clearly see 2 problems, yet you still persist that you some how are in the right, 1, how can you not see the guy begin let alone get half way across? 2, and just because the cyclist is a policeman why should he be any different to any other cyclist?
Simple answer is, treat everyone as though they are stupid, and expect them to do the strangest things, because they will.
You see a car at a junction, expect them to pull out, and if they don’t call it a result. See the ped at the curb, again expect them to just cross. See that cyclist on your inside, expect them to carry on.
Just remember mate, you have to think for these idiots.
Put it down to learning.