A Question for TM's/CPC Holders

I have got 4 years left in the navy and seriously want to go into the road haulage as an O/D when I do leave and the economy is picking up.

If somebody wants to set up as a O/D but doesn’t have a CPC obviously they have to ‘employ’ someone who does have a CPC as their TM and was wondering how much they roughly pay per month for a CPC holder and can you do this as a part time job (on top of another full time job)? Is there a limit to how many ‘companies’ you can be named on the O licence as their TM/CPC holder?

I am thinking about doing my CPC in the next few months so it is in place for when I do leave and hopefully build up some contacts within the industry in the next few years for when I do leave the mob.

Obviously the O/D will sort out all his own work and in theory I would be the nominated CPC holder but what would this entail apart from the maintenance routines and driving hours regs? Surely as an O/D it is in their own interests to stay completely legal as they will have invested a huge sum to get the business up and running as it is so you would, in reality, be a name on a piece of paper but with someone paying you to use your name? (I know you would have to have a good look at them but if it is running smoothly and completely legal you wouldn’t have to worry too much would you?)

Is this possible or not?


Lee I shall say one thing and one thing only…
Gissa Job :unamused:

Lee I shall say one thing and one thing only…
Gissa Job :unamused:

Hi Jon, If I read Lee’s post correctly, he was talking about a TM with an operator CPC.

You might have to wait a while until he gets a second truck, cos as an O/D, I’d guess he’ll probably drive his truck himself mate.

Aye dave but if he wins the lottery, he can put a second truck on :smiley:

Got to be in it to win it [me referring to stealing a job if he wins the lottery, not using the lottery tagline ref the lottery]

p.s Although you’d still have to be in the lottery to win it, so it counts for both I guess

■■■■ me not being in work today I’m talking rubbish on Tnet :open_mouth: :blush:

if i ever get it off the starting blocks and do build up to 2 motors you would be the first person i call jon, to see if you know anyone with a class 1 licence that wants a job! :wink: :wink:

who knows i might need a driver for the weekends or if i get my CPC would it be possible to run a wagon with a driver while still in the mob? who knows…

its all ifs and buts at the moment but we will see in a few months/years time.

if i ever get it off the starting blocks and do build up to 2 motors you would be the first person i call jon, to see if you know anyone with a class 1 licence that wants a job!

The word I would like to put will be auto censored out so for now i’ll just say:

You cheeky trucker :exclamation:

if i ever get it off the starting blocks and do build up to 2 motors

Best way to 2 motors in trucking is to start with 10 :wink: :wink:

a guy who runs out of same yard (yorkshire) as me pays somebody from felixstowe as his T/M. he recently applied to up his number of vehicles and is now being investigated (public enquiry, i think) by vosa in relation to how his T/M can possibly do this job. there may be other factors which he is not letting the rest of lads in yard in on which have resulted in this investigation by vosa/ traffic commisioner, but from what i have been told by other people (its by word of mouth so not forced to be correct) the practice of paying a part time T/M is something that vosa/ T/C have started to frown upon. i was advised to sit the cpc myself as then you save yourself the attention from vosa and the cash of renting a T/M.

from what i have been told by other people (its by word of mouth so not forced to be correct) the practice of paying a part time T/M is something that vosa/ T/C have started to frown upon. i was advised to sit the cpc myself as then you save yourself the attention from vosa and the cash of renting a T/M.

You can tell from the various legal stories in Commercial Motor that they’re taking a closer look at such arrangements. My view is that if you’re clever enough to make a success of being an owner driver then you should be clever enough to pass the CPC for yourself so there’s not really any good reason not to do so. The money it costs you will be saved very quickly in not having to pay someone else to do it and (as you say) it means much less chance of VOSA asking questions.
