A question for ownerdrivers

why do you do it now dont get me wrong this is not me about to have ago as many of you know its somthing i wanted do.its just that some o/d say theres no money in it or you have to work twice as hard and then they say that theyed be better off in wages if they worked for someone.i posted a topic on owner operators on the expats forum and got pretty much the same response.so be honest do ya do it for the money or the fact you are your own boss and can pick and choose what you drive and when you drive.and knowing what you know now would you do it again or would you stay an employed driver.
cheers carl :laughing:

Have been down the road myself o/d but with 2 of us running a truck 24hrs a day.
It works but stopped in june and now earn more money with a 4mtr sprinter work tues to friday and I love it !!!.
It depends what work you get if and when they pay and if you like paperwork !!!

well, first thing is, no one is actually their own boss, yes you own the wagon and it’s your name at the top of the invoice but there’s always someone pulling the strings, the firm you sub off or a regular customer your relying on for work etc,
if you want to make it pay you’ll end up with someone dictating what you do and when.
is it for the money? yes, although there’s no fortunes in it, you can (and should) make a fair bit more than as an employed driver doing similar work,
if your not, the rates are crap, it’s as simple as that.
is it to drive what you want? no, finances and time in the game and the type of work determine what you run, we’d all like to climb into a brand new wagon every morning but unless you on something you know is going to last for the next three or four years that pays good money then new wagons are just a dream.
would i do it again? definitely, if i could walk into the work i’m doing now or something else that paid similar money.
to sum up, in twenty four years of working, mainly self employed, it’s the best thing i’ve ever done and would be quite happy to spend the rest of my working life doing, in one form or another.