A note- take note folks

well said,the posts about limpers and agency drivers was/is getting a bit silly,i myself have been agency and I am now full time,some drivers on here [not mentioning any names]tend to take their posts to the extreme,to the point of hatred all because some driver works as agency

■■■■■■ innuendo ! it has its place and at times is hilarious, but recently it seems to be taking over almost every post, diluting the humour and distracting the original thread. everything has its time and place, please respect this forum is about Trucks and driving not ■■■ and try to restrain yourselves a bit. if you feel the need of a bit of excitement then Google is your friend (turn off safe search)… this site is not the place to vent your frustrations :blush:

So if a driver buys an All Ride steering wheel aid and is having problems fitting it properly, he cannot start a thread called “My Knob Came Off In My Hand”?

So if a driver buys an All Ride steering wheel aid and is having problems fitting it properly, he cannot start a thread called “My Knob Came Off In My Hand”?

PMSL :laughing: :laughing:

I too have noticed an increase in ■■■■■■ innuendos which are not subtle enough to slip in unnoticed, as a guilty member myself I shall temper my shenanigans accordingly. The best innuendos are those which can be read as clean or as rude depending on ones frame of mind. Little dribbles from time to time are far better than the in your face stuff.

I too have noticed an increase in ■■■■■■ innuendos which are not subtle enough to slip in unnoticed, as a guilty member myself I shall temper my shenanigans accordingly. The best innuendos are those which can be read as clean or as rude depending on ones frame of mind. Little dribbles from time to time are far better than the in your face stuff.

You’ve been warned Dave…so just take it on the chin! :wink: :smiley:

so now I know why dipper isn’t as active on here now - I just get a mental image of a frustrated tapatalk user going to post then reading it and sort of screaming not again.

I am a driver, I not only place agency but also full time drivers - what does it matter there has been a few when it seemed a bit OTT - several threads all along the same lines but its a bit of fun too many people seem too serious on here.

regarding the rules RIKKI can we ban Fordism along with limper please? this will enable the threads to be less than 20 pages long and remain on track! I would rather limper be allowed than Fordism. :laughing:

I had to have an x ray today on a week old leg injury. It was raining so naturally, limping and trying to make best use of an umbrella, I must’ve been mistaken for an agency driver.

Rikki-UK, When you talk about limpers are you talking about ■■■■■ or legs?
If it’s about ■■■■■’s (Is this a word?) I’d find that very offensive. I give it a good rub with the help of Bravissimo, but cannot get a full erection. :frowning:

Sorry responded to wrong thread, and wrong user :blush: :smiley: