A nice bit on Taco's

Hi all

Sorry to be a real pain in the ■■■■ but for some reason I can’t find what I’m looking for.

The other day maybe a week ago someone had written a lovely, very useful guide on Taco’s. I think it was on this forum but I can’t see it?

I’d like to print it off as I thought it would great to keep in my bag.

Also not being great at this forum is there a specific place to look at useful info like gear boxes, taco’s. Tricks of the trade if you will?

Thank you in advance for your help & yes I wear glasses :open_mouth: as it’s probably stearin me in the face.

Hi all

is there a specific place to look at useful info like gear boxes, taco’s. Tricks of the trade if you will?

Thank you in advance for your help & yes I wear glasses :open_mouth: as it’s probably stearin me in the face.

Have a read of the sticky topic LGV Training Tips


Brilliant that’s it guys thank you very much :smiley:

If you PM me your email address I’ll send you a copy as a PDFs or word document. So you can either keep it on a laptop it tablet or print it off.

The whole idea of it was as a reference document when you’re out on your own and trying to cope with all the things you’re trying to remember you should do.

It might be many years ago, but I still remember those early days. :laughing: