A newbies new home

Hi everyone, firstly congratulations to all newbies that have recently passed there C or C+E i still try and read through these forums as often as i can but normally to knackered at the end of a long day to comment so well done you lot :slight_smile:

My new job is going great ive been there 2 months now and im really enjoying it. Im still learning all the time but its getting a lot easier now im finding my way around better. When i first started i was in a nice truck for a newbie, it was a 54plate r420 highline, as you can imagine i was chuffed with that as its my first job driving a lorry. Anyway 2months later im told im getteing an upgrade and here it is.

Not bad eh :grimacing:

keep it like that mate, otherwise first time its in repair or holidayed you will find someone else in it

Very nice :grimacing:

Very nice truck mate :smiley: :smiley:

Least you have more headroom now in the topline, Good to see youโ€™re enjoying your work :grimacing: :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses: